Boat Fire in Lake Forest Park

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Photo courtesy Northshore Fire

The Northshore Fire Department was dispatched at 8:23 a.m. on Wednesday May 30, to a fire on a trailered boat in the 15000 block of 37th Ave. NE. Upon arrival, firefighters discovered a large black column of smoke and flames coming from the boat located approximately 30 feet from an apartment building. Quick actions by the responding firefighters limited damage to the boat and prevented the fire from causing damage to any nearby property.

Photo courtesy Northshore Fire

The boat owner had been working on the boat, a 1988, 24-foot Bayliner Trophy, approximately 30 minutes before the fire was noticed by a nearby maintenance worker.  Multiple 911 calls were made by people driving on NE Bothell Way – who saw the large black plume of smoke.

Photo courtesy Northshore Fire

There were no firefighter or civilian injuries.  Damages to the boat, which is considered a total loss, are estimated at $16,000.  The Northshore Fire Investigator, Jeff LaFlam, determined the cause to be accidental in nature and it was most likely due to a problem related the wiring on the boat.

Hillwood Community Network meeting Friday June 1

Hillwood Community Network is inviting all Hillwood residents to a community meet-up, Friday, June 1, 7 to 8:30 pm.  We are meeting at the Shoreline Historical Museum, 18501 Linden Avenue N.  Parking is available behind the building, enter on. 185th Street.

Our program for the evening will be discussion of our summer events and a beginning enquiry into a community garden somewhere in Hillwood.  We are looking for gardeners who would like to see a pea patch type garden in our neighborhood and who could volunteer to help with this project.  This is a beginning conversation and we would welcome all ideas.  Please join us if this idea appeals to you.

We will also be holding our annual elections and have a full slate of officers.  We would welcome anyone who is interested in participating in the community to join us as a member-at-large on our board.  This is an appointed position and can happen at any time.  Let us know if you have an interest in joining our Community Network.

Hillwood is bounded by Aurora Ave. on the east, by Richmond Beach Road on the south, by 3rd Ave. NW on the west and 205th Street on the north.  Do you live in Hillwood?

More info about Hillwood:
Facebook: Hillwood Community e-Village
Or call 206-546-5430

King County pharmacies now offering low-cost whooping cough vaccine for uninsured

King County pharmacies now offering low-cost whooping cough vaccine for uninsured and many community clinics are also offering low-cost booster shots for clients.

People without health insurance or who can’t afford to pay for whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine are now able to get it for low-cost at two local pharmacy chains, made available with help from the AmeriCares patient assistance program. Whooping cough continues at high levels in King County and vaccine is the best protection against the disease.

Local QFC and Bartell Drugs pharmacies are now offering low-cost adult whooping cough booster shots (known as Tdap vaccine). A full listing of pharmacy locations with low cost vaccines, as well as locations with vaccine at full cost for those with insurance, is available here

In addition, low-cost whooping cough vaccines for children and adults are also available from many community health care centers and clinics. People seeking low-cost whooping cough booster shots should check with their healthcare providers.

Health care providers and pharmacies may charge a fee up to $15.60 to give the vaccine. In comparison, the normal cost of the Tdap booster shot without insurance is from $60-$100. People who cannot afford the administration fee can ask to have the fee waived.

Vaccine protects against whooping cough, and prevents the disease from spreading to infants, pregnant women, and others. People of all ages can get whooping cough, but infants are at greatest risk of severe illness, hospitalization and death. Pregnant women with whooping cough near the time of delivery may spread it to their newborns.

Talk to your health care provider to make sure all children, teens and adults in your household are up-to-date with whooping cough vaccine, especially if they are in contact with infants or pregnant women.

For more information about whooping cough (pertussis) and where to get vaccine, visit the website 

Shoreline City Council Meeting May 29, 2012

Notes from Shoreline City Council Meeting May 29, 2012
By Devon Vose Rickabaugh

Kirk McKinley Transportation Services Manager for Public Works Department joined Richard Meredith Traffic Engineer to discuss the ongoing process to work through the traffic congestion at Aurora and 192nd. They recommended more education and outreach with the YMCA and Echo Lake residents. Several residents complained that until recently they had been able to turn left out of their driveway onto 192nd without having to deal with anything at all. McKinley said that the Public Works Department had intended to put a “No left turn” sign at the corner of Blakely driveway and 192nd since the beginning of the construction process and would do so in order to encourage traffic to use Aurora which is intended to accommodate the increased traffic.

Other steps recommended by McKinley were to confine fire and EMS vehicles to Aurora as the primary route into and out of YMCA and Echo Lake condominiums. Also to work with Sky Nursery to use only the haul road behind Sky (Midvale N) to exit onto 192nd and put signs up to stop vehicles from entering. Also to improve the 192nd and Aurora signal timing. McKinley said “There is no normal traffic at this time out there.” Another meeting with citizens and residents of the South Echo Lake Development  is planned for the evening of June 26 at City Hall.

Mayor McGlashan asked “As we get more city development like new businesses alongside the park ‘n ride and along Aurora how are we going to keep people from going into the neighborhoods?” Several people pointed out that Aurora is so congested at times that drivers are taking 192nd and other roads to try and avoid it. 

Three Shoreline schools represented at WITS event

Matthew Edwards and Rachel at the 2011 Reading

Writers in the Schools (WITS) will celebrate its 16th year of serving local public schools with two incredible nights of writing. 

Come for one or both of the Year-End Student Readings at the Seattle Public Library in Downtown Seattle, free and open to the public. 1000 4th Ave, Seattle 98104, 206-386-4636.
  • Elementary & Middle School, May 22, 6pm 
  • High School, May 23, 6pm 

The readings feature more than 50 students from the 26 sites in the 2011-12 WITS program, including two Port Townsend schools, Seattle Children's Hospital, and public elementary, middle, and high schools in Kent, Seattle, and Shoreline. 

A reception will follow each evening, with sweets donated by Cupcake Royale.

The Writers in the Schools program matches a local creative writer with a public elementary, middle or high school or hospital to design innovative and culturally relevant lesson plans that meet the goals of the participating classes while engaging students. The program invigorates both students and teachers with fresh ideas and encouragement. 

The sites featured at this year's readings include:
  • Cascade K-8 Community School, Shoreline
  • Shorecrest High School, Shoreline
  • Shorewood High School, Shoreline 

About Writers in the Schools: Seattle Arts and Lectures' Writers in the Schools (WITS) program, founded in 1994, believes that through working collaboratively with classroom teachers and professional, published creative writers, students are empowered to become authors of their own lives. WITS writers-in-residence provide a meaningful role model for every student. Since 1994, the program has served 67,500 K-12 public school students and 1,200 teachers in the Puget Sound region.

(if you or a family member is one of the students being featured, contact us)

Bruce Meyers and his birds reappear at Club Hollywood June 15

Bruce Meyers
Fun for all ages (children too) 

After winning the “2012 Best Comedy Magician” in Vancouver BC, Bruce and Jennifer Meyers return to Club Hollywood following great ovations during their last visit! 

New for this show we will be featuring our original act "Vaya Con Huevos!" 

Beautiful doves will appear and disappear, a table will float around the room, the audience will be magically showered with real roses and Bruce’s new volcano act “The Legend” will be  erupting. 

No admission nor cover charge. Delicious full prime rib dinners and bento boxes are offered for only $9.95. Reservations or 206-546-4444. 

14th Annual Kenmore Art Show June 20-24 at Bastyr U

The 14th Annual Kenmore Art Show will be held from June 20th to 24th on the beautiful Bastyr University Campus.

The new Bastyr University location provides many improvements over our past location. We will have more space, more natural lighting, the display will be all on one level and 100% ADA accessible. We are also adding a youth art category this year. 

The Bastyr famous award winning food service will be available throughout the show and Friday through Sunday the Max Aronoff Viola Institute will be hosting their annual MAVI Summer Festival, a free music event adjacent to our show. This MAVI festival is “An inspiring musical experience in the beautiful Pacific Northwest for violists age 14 through adult, all levels.”
If you are interested in joining this energetic committee of volunteers, contact Jo Ann Evans

This is a great opportunity for all who are interested in fostering the arts in Kenmore! "When many people each do a little, we can accomplish much!

Call for Artists

There are new possibilities for displaying sculpture at Bastyr. 
The Arts of Kenmore website features photographs of the courtyard.
A new category this year is Youth Artwork.

To submit artwork to the show, download the 14th Annual Juried Kenmore Art Show prospectus. It is also available for download on the website

Ashley Phelps of Shoreline to compete in Miss Pre-Teen Seattle

Ashley Phelps of Shoreline was recently selected to participate in the 2012 Miss Pre-Teen Seattle pageant competition that will take place on Sunday, June 17, 2012.

Ashley will be competing in the Miss Pre-Teen division, one of four divisions that will have girls ages 7 and 19 competing in modeling routines, which include casual wear and formal wear.  Part of the criteria will be the contestant's personality and interviewing skills as assessed by this year's Seattle judging panel.

Letter to the Editor: Larry Gossett takes a step to break the curse

To the Editor:

Larry Gossett is taking another step to break curse created by the Federal Government’s pre-medieval propaganda including our own Federal Representative Jay Inslee.  That is, that as a society, we need to dehumanize and engage in violence against sub-communities because of the decision they make about how to manage their own bodies including the choices they make as to what to put into their bodies.  The propaganda noise has been so horrendous – fed by our own hard earned tax dollars to fuel massive bureaucratic special interests – that many people can’t even recognize similarities to any other campaign of dehumanization whether to African Americans, woman, gypsies, etc. for whatever reason.

I trust this will be the first step to eliminate state sponsored terrorism against the peaceful citizens in the State of Washington.

As an aside, kudos also to the courageous Shoreline City Council for supporting the establishment of cannabis collectives in Shoreline without all the oppression being encountered in other similar cities in the State of Washington.

Greg Logan

Wanted: Co-Ed Softball Teams - must be prepared to have fun

Softball champs
This could be you - just sign up
Photo courtesy Shoreline Recreation

The City of Shoreline Parks and Recreation Department is looking for Co-Ed softball teams to participate in their Summer Softball League. All games take place in Shoreline beginning on June 22nd.

This is a recreational league. Doubleheaders are played on Monday or Wednesdays after 6:00pm. If you are interested in participating, or if you have questions, contact Courtney Brown at 206-801-2635.

Lake Forest Park residents are treated as residents for the Parks programs under an agreement between Shoreline and LFP.

SCC Announces Final Men's and Women's Tennis Players of the Week

Mandy Lam, Player of the Week
Photo by Wilson Tsoi

The Shoreline Community College Athletic Department announced the final Men's and Women's Tennis Players of the Year for 2012.

For the SCC Women's Team, sophomore Mandy Lam was selected the final Player of the Week as she finished third at the NWAACC Tennis Championship. Lam loss her opening round match, but she came back to win 2 matches and actually revenge her opening round loss to Treasure Valley CC, to claim the 3rd place trophy.

Alex Casper, Player of the Week
Photo by Wilson Tsoi

On the SCC Men's Team side, Freshman Alex Casper had an excellent NWAACC Championship, as he claimed the #2 Flight Singles Championship and won the NWAACC #1 Flight Doubles Championship with partner Yassar Khan. Alex did not lose a match at the championship, going 4-0 in combined singles and doubles and play.

Ray Bachmann, NWAACC Men's Tennis Coach of the Year
Photo by Wilson Tsoi

Also, SCC Tennis Coach Ray Bachmann was named the "Coach of the Year" for NWAACC Men's Tennis.

Final SCC Softball Players of The Week For 2012

Sophie Overlock-Pauley
Player of the Week
Photo by Wilson Tsoi

The Shoreline Community College Athletic Department announced the final Softball Players of the Week for 2012

For the week of May 7 to May 13, Sophie Overlock-Pauley was named the Player of the Week. Overlock-Pauley went 10 for 20 for a .500 batting average, with 7 runs scored, 2 RBIs, 2 doubles and one homerun. She led SCC to a 4-4 record for the week.

Vallen Brewer
Player of the Week
Photo by Wilson Tsoi

For the week of May 14 to May 20, Co-Players of the Week were named as Sophie Overstock-Pauley and Vallen Brewer share the final week awards. At the NWAACC Softball Championship, Overstock-Pauley went 1-3 against Walla Walla CC with a triple and 2 RBIs while Brewer when 2-2 with a run scored.

SCC finished the year 19-20-2 and went 0-2 at the NWAACC Championship.

Matt Sweeny Named Final Baseball Player of the Week

Matt Sweeney
Player of the Week
Photo by Wilson Tsoi
Shoreline Community College Athletics announced that sophomore Matt Sweeney has been named the final SCC Baseball Player of the Week for 2012.

Sweeny went 5-15 (.333 batting average) for the weekend with 3 runs scored, 1 RBI and 2 walks.

SCC won one out of four games with Skagit Valley College. SCC finished 6-31 for the season.

Ted Hammond of Shorecrest wins spot in all-state baseball game

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ted  Hammond of Shorecrest is one of 10 Wesco baseball players selected for the all-state series after the all-Wesco double-header in Snohomish Wednesday.

The all-state series will be in Yakima June 9-10.

FOUND: Roger the cocker spaniel - lost from Shorewood Hills 2

Roger was lost but is now back home
UPDATE: Roger has been found and is back with his family. Thanks to everyone who checked out the story and watched out for Roger.

Original story:
Roger is an 11 year old, reddish blond cocker spaniel. He walks with a slight limp and has a white mark on his cheek.

He slipped out, unnoticed, through the garage door around 5pm on Monday, May 28, from his home in Shorewood Hills II across from Shoreview Park on Innis Arden Way in Shoreline.

There's a possibility that someone may have "rescued" him. The owner was told that Roger was in a car with someone who was looking for his owners.

Contact us if you know anything about Roger's whereabouts.

Community in Action: Echo Lake Neighborhood group creates a community space and landscaped walking path and wins a national award

After: the complete Densmore Pathway
Photo by Steven H. Robinson
By Diane Hettrick

Sprinkled around Shoreline are streets that never happened. Called Right of Ways or ROWs, they are land which belongs to the City and are technically streets. The ROWs have not been developed and are minimally maintained. Some are very small pieces of land, and some were clearly meant to be streets. They are often used as cut-throughs by neighborhood kids.

Before: part of the N 188th Right of Way
Photo by Nora Smith
Neighbors with their backyards on one such ROW were painfully aware of the street that never happened. Technically it was N 188th, running an entire city block between Densmore and Ashworth in the Echo Lake Neighborhood.

When it was overgrown neighbors felt vulnerable because of the potential for crime. During the day, they walked their dogs on the narrow footpath, and tried to keep the litter picked up. Mostly, they were frustrated at the lost potential for what the ROW could be - a beautiful community garden - a neighborhood gathering place - a maintained pathway.

Before: the Right of Way was a dumping ground
Photo by Nora Smith
Suzanne Wynne and Ellen Wood often talked about it as they walked their dogs. Both experienced gardeners, they thought that a low-maintenance design with native plants would not be difficult to maintain, once it was established. But they knew that everyone on the street had to be involved.

One day they decided it was a project they wanted to take on. They went door to door, posted flyers, and talked to everyone on the path. They found a lot of enthusiasm and willingness to be involved.

They organized a community pot luck meeting, the first of several to come.

The "Densmore Pathway" project really gained energy when Suzanne talked to Roy Mangel, another dog walker, and found that not only was he a landscape designer with a landscape installation business, he was enthusiastic about the project and willing to be involved.

From there, Roy created a design, and community members gave their input for design changes.

Final design for the Densmore Pathway
By Roy Mangels

Suzanne went to the City and the Echo Lake Neighborhood Association board. Nora Smith, of the Office of Neighborhoods, suggested they seek mini-grant funds. The Echo Lake Neighborhood Association, ELNA, agreed to sponsor the project and sign off on the mini-grant application. Nora worked with Suzanne to submit the application and the City Council approved $4,848 for the project.

Some of the volunteers stop to pose for a photo
Photo by Nora Smith

Part of the mini-grant requirement is that the recipients agree to 200 hours of volunteer labor. Further, as it was a ROW, the Densmore volunteers, backed by ELNA, pledged to continue to maintain the project.

Neighbors agreed that the priority was a path that everyone could use  "Everyone wanted a path where seniors, commuters, school children, strollers, and wheel chairs could navigate the terrain without tripping or getting soaked from the overgrown vegetation."

A lot of dirt and gravel had to be moved around
Photo by Nora Smith
Beyond that, they wanted a community gathering place amid a beautiful landscape of low-maintenance native plants.

ELNA publicized the project and volunteers came from the surrounding neighborhood, including Native Plant Steward Donna Franklin, who donated a truckload of plants from her backyard garden.

Ellen and Pat Wood donated the water to get the new plants established.

Roy Mangels brought in landscaping equipment
Photo by Nora Smith

The project was not without set-backs. The City had the Ashworth Sidewalk project going on at the same time. A sub-contractor on the sidewalk project thought that the apparently unused open space would be a good place to store piles of gravel. After some discussions, the sub-contractor was allowed to leave the piles of gravel and when the sidewalk was completed, the contractors built the portion of the Pathway that they had been blocking.

A young neighbor stands by the old pathway
Photo by Nora Smith
Through the late fall and into mid-December there were major work parties and another pot luck. Many people came alone or in small groups to work on the pathway. Some learned to use Roy's landscaping equipment, others planted lilies and wild flowers.

In early spring, the work parties began again. And then the major work was done. 

The completed pathway
Photo by Nora Smith

Suzanne reports that "An estimated total of 362 volunteer hours were donated to manage, design and build the pathway. Thanks to Donna and Roy, a total of $1,330 of material and equipment were donated. Though we only spent $2,959 of our mini-grant funding, the city estimated that the project would have cost $30,000 if they had hired a contractor to perform the work. By working together we made a $30,000 improvement to our neighborhood."

Accepting the Earth Day Proclamation on behalf of ELNA
Larry Monger, Donna Franklin, Suzanne Wynne, Jeanne Monger

On April 16, 2012 the City Council's Earth Day Proclamation was presented to ELNA for the Densmore Pathway project. "Since the Pathway improves pedestrian access, creates habitat, and generally improves the environment, the city honored all the volunteers who worked on the project."

Nora Smith worked with Suzanne to enter ELNA and the Densmore Pathway Project into a national competition and it was selected as a finalist. On Thursday, May 24, 2012 Nora Smith made the formal presentation to the Neighborhoods USA group at their annual meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. In the category Physical Revitalization: Beautification – Single Neighborhood - the Echo Lake Neighborhood Association - Densmore Pathway project was awarded third place.

Steve DiBernardo bowls a 300 at Spin Alley during Monday night Trio's League

Steve DiBernardo bowls at Spin Alley
Photo by Marci Hanberg

What goes on in the mind of a bowler bowling a perfect game? Steve DiBernardo is that bowler and he shares his game thinking

By Steve DiBernardo at Spin Alley in Shoreline

On the approach, we all have thoughts in the playground of our minds. During the 10th frame of a game two, it was my knees doing all the thinking and they began shaking.  All I had to do was roll one more ball, one more time, for a 12th strike.  300.  A perfect game.  A dream.

Some might say, it was the penny I found at the back of lane 10, before the game.  Heads up, 1964, a lucky find as lore describes.  It occurred to me that 1964 was the year I celebrated my 12th birthday.  Hmm... 12 strikes?

One of the many thoughts that were shaking in my knees as I stood at the approach on lane 10 to let that 12th shot roll away from my fingers.  I looked down at my knees and said out loud, "Stop it".  Then, I listened to the silence of an amazingly quiet bowling alley..  "What's the worst that can happen?  297, 298, 299?

In the end, I had to make the shot, let it go.  The pins fell, the score was perfection.  

Summer Fun at the Shoreline Arts Festival June 23, 24

22nd Annual Shoreline Arts Festival
June 23 and 24, 2012
Saturday 10-6 and Sunday 10-5 

On June 23 and 24 the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council will celebrate its 22nd annual Shoreline Arts Festival. Please join us as we explore how the arts help bond us as community and enrich our lives. There is something for everyone at this two-day community event: adult and junior juried arts, children’s hands-on art, dance, music, an Artist Marketplace and so much more. 

Our cultural rooms will feature Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern/North African Muslim, Chinese and Philippine exhibits this year, including a Philippine parade, Arabic drumming and more.

On Saturday, the Shoreline Auditorium will feature local children performing Missoula Children’s Theatre’s production of "Beauty Lou and the Country Beast.”  Auditions will take place June 18 so please check our website for more information. 

The Festival runs 10-6 on Saturday and 10-5 on Sunday. The Shoreline Center is located at 18560 1st Ave NE. The Festival is free! Bring a food donation for Hopelink and receive a raffle ticket for prizes.  For more information please contact the Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council at 206-417-4645 or visit online.

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to nurture all of the arts in the community through programs and events, arts education, advocacy, and support for artists and arts organizations.

LFP Park Volunteers will be gardening on Saturday

Last year at Animal Acres

The next Park Volunteer work party is going to be on Saturday June 9, 2012 from  9am to noon.  

Volunteers will be working in 

  • Animal Acres, 
  • Horizon View and 
  • Lyon Creek parks.  

Refreshments will be provided.  

Anyone interested in joining in can contact Linda Holman to discuss which park would work for them. 206-562-5541,

Memorial Day photos at Acacia in Lake Forest Park

Monday, May 28, 2012

Boy Scout Troop 348 raises the flag at Acacia Cemetery
Photo by Jerry Pickard
Prelude by Kenmore District Pipe Band
Photo by Jerry Pickard
A large crowd attended the ceremonies
Photo by Jerry Pickard
A flock of doves was released into the air
Photo by Jerry Pickard
LTC Brilesand American Legion Post 227's
Service Officer Thomas Drapac at the grave of Medal of Honor winner
Robert E. Bonney. Photo by Jerry Pickard.

American Legion Post 227's Historian Jerome D. Pickard
Acacia's Veterans Memorial Garden
Photo by Jerry Pickagre

Mind and Body - A Dance Immersion experience

Tim Lynch, The Seattle Dance Project
The Seattle Dance Project has a significant footprint in Shoreline, having spent an entire year teaching dance to students at Parkwood Elementary School. This event is for grownups.

Building upon five seasons of critically acclaimed performance and community outreach, Seattle Dance Project today announced that it will host its first intensive workshop for dancers at Seattle’s Fremont Studios from June 21 – 24, 2012.

Led by Seattle Dance Project principals Alexandra Dickson and Betsy Cooper, along with other experts, the unique, four-day experience includes exploration of dance forms, conditioning and mind/body development.

Sessions will include ballet, modern dance, pointe, dance repertoire, building dance longevity, yoga and pilates for dancers, and more. Both Dickson and Cooper are experienced professional dancers, committed to both excellence and compassion in their instruction and to helping dancers meet and exceed their personal goals.

“There are a wide variety of workshops for dancers, but we believe this will be like no other event,” said Tim Lynch, Seattle Dance Project artistic director. “Participants will share in an exciting, nurturing environment that allows them to discover more  self-expression, self-fulfillment and passion for dance, while also challenging them to grow in technique, skill and physical development. We’re focusing on both the body and the mind.”

Participants must be 18 or older and have a minimum of three years of dance training. Sessions run from 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. daily. Drop-in classes and private coaching sessions are available. All sessions will be held at the Dance Fremont studio at 4015 Stone Way North in Seattle.

Prices range from $350 for the entire four-day experience, to $75 for private coaching sessions, to $20 for drop-in classes.

Registration information is available at For more information, call 206-619-7463 or email

Seattle Dance Project was founded in 2007 and is now led by artistic director Timothy Lynch. The company seeks to use the technical prowess and professional maturity of its dancers to continually push the limits of contemporary dance. Tim formerly danced with Pacific Northwest Ballet and is a faculty member of the Pacific Northwest Ballet School. Reflecting Seattle Dance Project’s commitment to high quality performing arts, all company members are active teachers in the Seattle dance community. SDP was recently named resident dance company for A Contemporary Theatre (ACT) in Seattle.

King County Council Chair Larry Gossett endorses initiative to Legalize, Tax, and Regulate Marijuana

Gossett Cites Racial Disparities in Enforcement of Marijuana Laws

On Monday, May 28, King County Council Chair Larry Gossett announced his endorsement of Initiative 502, a Washington state initiative to legalize, tax, and regulate purchase and possession of small amounts of marijuana for adults 21 and over.

“As a nation, we can no longer afford to ignore the reality that the criminalization of marijuana has been a costly failure,” Gossett said.  “The State of Washington should take the lead in establishing a new, public health approach that will better serve our communities.”

Last month, the Washington State Office of Financial Management published preliminary fiscal analyses of the new tax revenue Initiative 502 would generate.  An estimated $560 million would go each year to the state general fund, local budgets, health care, drug abuse prevention, research, and education.

Gossett also expressed concern about current racial disparities in marijuana law enforcement.  “The uncomfortable truth is that people with brown and black skin are more likely than their white counterparts to wind up with a marijuana conviction that will limit their educational and employment opportunities,” he said.  

In Washington, an African American is three times as likely to be arrested, three times as likely to be charged, and three times as likely to be convicted of a marijuana offense than a white person despite the fact that white Washingtonians use marijuana at slightly higher rates.  “These inequalities also exacerbate tensions between our police officers and the communities they serve,” Gossett added.

Gossett is serving his seventh term on the Metropolitan King County Council.  Born and raised in Seattle, he has long been an advocate for programs that help inner-city youth and reduce racial and class disparities in our local criminal justice system.  From April 1979 until December 1993, he served as executive director of the Central Area Motivation Program, one of the oldest and largest community action agencies in the City of Seattle.

Shorecrest, Shorewood video students win Film Festival honors

Shorecrest and Shorewood students received Awards of Excellence at the Northwest High School Film Festival held May 22 at the Cinerama Theater in downtown Seattle.

The winning videos were also featured at the Shorecrest/Shorewood Film Festival on May 23.

From Shorecrest:

Award of Excellence:
Sheared Art Film: Elliott Fisher and Alex Ramsey
Cycling Club Commercial: Elliott Fisher and Alex Ramsey
Social Experiment Documentary: Nicoli Wytovicz

Honorable Mention:
Senior Spirit Event VIdeo: Katie Kercheval
Shorecrest Football SCNN Commercial: Nicoli Wytovicz
Freaks and Geeks Commercial: Nicholi Wytovicz
Animation: Surafel Mamo
Anti Texting PSA: Elliott Fisher and Alex Ramsey

From Shorewood:

Award of Excellence:
Alvin Cao for his "Shorewood Summer School" documentary and for "The Declarative Ghost" movie trailer.

Nicole Holguin and Nicky Smit for their participation in "The Declarative Ghost"

Honorable Mention: Alvin Cao for his art film "Loss"

In addition to the awards above, Davis Law Group has announced that Alex Ramsey and Elliot Fisher, creators of the "Texting While Driving: What are your Odds?" video, are the high school division winners of the 2012 Viral Video Scholarship Contest.

Alex and Elliot's video, which garnered almost 600 likes on Facebook, was viewed over 2,000 times on Vimeo and was the most viewed video on the Davis Law Group website, creatively illustrates the odds of certain events occurring in a person"s lifetime, one of which being a car accident that is caused by cell phone use.

"We decided on texting while driving because it is an increasingly pertinent issue for our generation," Ramsey and Fisher said. "While drinking and driving and other safety issues are always good for the public to keep in mind, texting while driving is an issue that needs more attention."

The duo enlisted the help of several classmates to appear in the video, which features images of teens up-close as the odds of a particular event appear on the screen. Ramsey and Fisher have since created a small video and photo production company, called Sunderside Studios.

"Video has been a large part of our lives since 2007, and will continue to be," they added.
The award will help Elliot pay for his University of Washington tuition as he begins to work toward a degree in bioengineering. Alex is still a junior at Shorecrest High School, and he hopes to pursue a degree in business and study abroad after high school.

Whole Foods 5% for PAWS Day June 5

Stock your pantry and save the lives of animals by shopping at Whole Foods Market on Tuesday, June 5.

Whole Foods 5% for PAWS Day

On Tuesday, June 5, Whole Foods Market will donate 5% of their total sales from each of the six Seattle Metro locations to PAWS. Start making your list today, join us at your local Whole Foods Market on Tuesday, June 5 and help give the animals at PAWS the second chance they deserve.


  • Interbay: 2001 15th Ave W, Seattle
  • Roosevelt Square: 1026 NE 64th St, Seattle
  • Westlake: 2210 Westlake Ave, Seattle
  • Bellevue: 888 116th Ave NE
  • Redmond: 17991 NE Redmond Way
  • Lynnwood: 2800 SW 196th St

PAWS is a champion for animals – rehabilitating injured and orphaned wildlife, sheltering and adopting cats and dogs, and educating people to make a better world for animals and people. Each year PAWS cares for more than 5,000 animals from 154 different species. From kittens to cougars, from canines to black bears, PAWS has done this remarkable work for 45 years.

Golf tournament to benefit Shoreline Schools Athletics

The 16th Annual Gustafson/Lesh Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, June 9, 2012 at the Nile Shine Golf Course. 80 spots are available at $65 per player. First Tee times at 10am. Entry deadline is Friday, June 1.

This annual Golf Tournament  to benefit the Shoreline School District Athletic Programs, is named in honor of Rich Gustafson and Paul Lesh, who served as the Shoreline School District Athletic Directors for many years.

Rich and Paul, have been, and continue to be strong supporters of our community and School District.  Please organize your foursome and come out for a great day of golf!

Please contact Don Dalziel, Director of Athletics for the Shoreline School District via email to receive additional information and entry forms.

Summer Kids' Camp at Trinity Presbyterian

Summer Kids’ Camp
3 Year Olds through Entering 6th Graders
June 26-29th, 2012
6:30-8:30 pm

Trinity Presbyterian Church
1315 N 160th St
Shoreline, WA  98133

You are invited to join us in games, crafts, Bible stories, Snacks, Singing, and Friends.  
Come meet some neighbors!

To Register:  Download a registration form and return to Church office by June 18.  Free.

For more information contact Rebecca or Kay at 206-363-3500

Memorial Day 2012

American Cemetery in Luxembourg
World War II Soldiers
Photo by Jan Hansen 2010

In 2010 Jan and Ron Hansen took a trip to Europe and visited the battlefields and cemeteries of World War II. 
Jan said, "The folks in Luxembourg still remember the liberating forces and the kindnesses that were given above and beyond the military orders.  Individuals still talk of the treats that touched the starving tummies of the children. We Americans today are still thanked for the gifts of yesterday.  On this frozen field we were strangely warmed."

Memorial Day events 2012

Seattle Veterans Museum
1,000 pieces of military history. open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday; Second Avenue between Union and University streets by Benaroya Hall in downtown Seattle. donations accepted. 

Memorial day ceremonies at 10:30 am. Holyrood Cemetery is located at 205 NE 205th St., Shoreline, WA 98155; 206-363-8404. Most Rev. Eusebio Elizondo, Auxiliary Bishop of Seattle, presiding.

In addition, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28, 2012 the Vietnamese Community will hold its annual prayer celebration: 2:00pm at Holyrood Cemetery 205 NE 205th St., Shoreline, WA 98155; 206-363-8404.

Services 11 a.m. Monday, Acacia Memorial Park, 14951 Bothell Way N.E., Lake Forest Park; free 206-362-5525,

In addition, an informal ceremony will be held for Robert Earl Bonney, Medal of Honor winner buried at Acacia, organized by the local American Legion.

Concert, 1:30 p.m., Memorial Day ceremony to honor America's fallen soldiers, 2 p.m. Monday, free; followed by guided tour of the Veterans Memorial Cemetery to learn about the lives of the Medal of Honor recipients; $5 donation for Avenue of Flags suggested; Evergreen-Washelli Memorial Park, 11111 Aurora Ave. N., Seattle 206-362-5200.

Presentation of Colors by local veterans, POW/MIA remembrance ceremony, music; limited seating, bring chairs, 11 a.m. Monday, Edmonds Memorial Cemetery, 820 15th St. S.W., Edmonds; free 425-771-4741.

Display of historic military vehicles and artillery weapons, Puget Sound Military Vehicle Collector's Club parade, tank driving and firing demonstrations, kids' activities, radio-controlled tanks, food vendors, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday, Flying Heritage Collection, 3407 109th St S.W., Everett; $8-$12, veterans admitted free 1-877-342-3404.

Some material for this story came from The Seattle Times

More aerospace job training, housing, and counseling services for veterans proposed by Constantine and Ferguson

One-time funds from Veterans and Human Services Levy could help returning veterans and families with transition to civilian life, and support regional homelessness effort

An innovative aerospace employment training initiative, more trauma and family counseling, and new investments in housing and homelessness would be funded with $6.7 million from the voter-approved Veterans and Human Services Levy, under a proposal from King County Executive Dow Constantine and Councilmember Bob Ferguson.

“On this Memorial Day weekend, we can reaffirm our commitment to our returning veterans by resolving to create the jobs, housing, and services they need to transition home safely and resume their place in our communities,” said Executive Constantine.

“King County voters should feel proud this Memorial Day knowing they help our local veterans find jobs, counseling, and housing in our community,” said Councilmember Ferguson, author and prime sponsor of the Veterans and Human Services Levy. “Veterans can face serious challenges when they return home, and these important investments provide the assistance and support our veterans deserve.”

Savings over the life of the 2006-2011 Veterans and Human Services Levy have created $6.7 million in one-time funds. The funds will be distributed over the next two years through a supplemental appropriation ordinance that the Executive is expected to transmit to the County Council next week and through the upcoming 2013-2014 biennial budget.

The proposal seeks to address three of the biggest struggles faced by local veterans: unemployment, mental health issues, and homelessness. Highlights of the funding proposal will include:
  • $2 million for a new Aerospace and Veteran Employment Training Initiative – Levy funding will support a new initiative as part of the King County Aerospace Alliance to help skilled veterans and others train for jobs in the burgeoning aerospace industry.This two-year program, proposed to begin this September at WorkSource Renton, would help veterans transfer the skills they learned in the military to aerospace industry jobs. It would offer direct training, personalized career assessment, job coaching and financial assistance, as well as potential paid internships.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate for veterans who served on active duty over the past 10 years was 12.1 percent, significantly higher than the overall unemployment rate of 8.1 percent.
  • $550,000 for increased Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) treatment and military family counseling – Levy funds currently support a successful partnership with the Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs to provide PTSD treatment and counseling. The counseling has reduced symptoms in 95 percent of the veterans served. The additional funding would increase PTSD treatment hours for individuals and families. Funds would also accelerate the launch of a new program one year early to provide vital support to military families before, during, and after the deployment of their loved one.
Of those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, over 90 percent have been exposed to traumatic, combat-related situations. These experiences correlate to high rates of mental illness; about 20 percent of recently returning military service members report symptoms of mental health disorders, including PTSD and depression.
  • $2.3 million for veterans housing capital and services – The plan would invest significantly in housing capital and services in conjunction with the Five Year Plan to End Homelessness Among Veterans, a federal initiative to strengthen programs that prevent and end homelessness among veterans. The funding could also be used to make modifications to homes to accommodate disabled veterans.

According to the U.S. Census, approximately one in three of the adult homeless population has served in the military. An estimated 144,842 Veterans spent at least one night in an emergency shelter or transitional housing program in one recent year. Moreover, the prevalent rate of unemployment and lack of job opportunities creates increased housing instability for returning veterans.

  • The balance of $1.85 million in the proposal would fund services and programs for veterans and others in need, including enhanced outreach to women veterans and veterans of color; additional job training and public health services for veterans, and investments to address youth homelessness.

King County voters originally approved the Veterans and Human Services Levy in 2005, and overwhelmingly renewed the levy last August with a nearly 70 percent approval. Half of the levy revenue is dedicated to serving veterans, military personnel, and their families, and half is for other individuals and families in need.

More information on the Veterans and Human Services Levy is available by calling Linda Peterson, Community Services Division Director at 206-263-9019.
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