Sewage flow into Lake Washington

Thursday, April 12, 2012

From our News Partner Leland Dart of My Everett News comes the story of a major pipe break which allowed sewage to flow into North Creek which flows into Lake Washington.

City of Everett Public Works crews are working to stop the flow of sewage into North Creek , which runs into Lake Washington from South Everett. Here’s the official word so far from Kate Reardon at the City of Everett… 
EVERETT – City Public Works crews are working to fix a 20-inch iron sewer pipe that broke near the 11800 block of Silver Way. Sewage is flowing into North Creek, which flows into Lake Washington. 
City workers have notified agencies such as the state departments of Ecology and Fish and Wildlife, the Snohomish Health Department, Snohomish County and Tulalip Tribes. 
The break occurred about 6 a.m. today Thursday April 12. Crews are using heavy equipment to divert as much of the sewage flow as possible and are sandbagging in the area. 
Avoiding contact with North Creek stream water is highly advised.


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