Poem: I love crows!!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

American Crow. Photo by Frank Kleyn

By Jean Monce Bryant

I love crows
That may seem odd
But they are creatures
Straight from God

They are so smart
They are so funny
They make the grey days
Oh so sunny /

They have me trained
It’s plain to see
They hold great power
Over me

They look me right
Into the eye
And to the door
I quickly fly

To open up
The jar
that’s there
And fling the peanuts
In the air

They call their buddies
To the feast
A selfish bunch?
No not the least

They share so freely
Help the needy
Think of others
Are not greedy

They share the wealth
They share the bounty
Would WE did that
In every county

They care for all
The young and old
THEIR Health Care Plan
Is what I’m told

WE say that animals
Are dumb
And to that myth
Some may succumb

‘WE grab the Biggest
The very best part
And with our words
Can wound
a heart

WE keep so busy
Life’s such
a rush
When lonely ones
Would love our touch

It does not take
A lot of time
A word of love
Is quite sublime

My lesson’s over
Please don’t be sad
Those wondrous birds
Will make you glad

I love their swagger
I love their strut
They look majestic
Like that King Tut

I like their squawk
I like their talk
I like the funny
Way they walk

I like their sharing
I like their caring
I like the family Love
They’re swearing

They have some habits
That they should break
But don’t we all
For heaven’s sake

I guess it’s plain
As your own nose
It’s obvious
That I love crows!!!


Frank Kleyn,  April 16, 2012 at 6:35 AM  

Wonderful poem Jean. Thank you Shoreline Area News for providing an opportunity to "cyber-collaborate.". The crows must feel loved this morning!

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