Diggin’ Shoreline gardeners gathering March 20, 2012

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gardeners gather for the Diggin' Shoreline meeting
Photo by Nora Smith

By Zeth Peterka, age 12, Diggin’ Shoreline reporter
and Afia Menke, Diggin’ Shoreline Co-Chair

On March 20th, I attended a Diggin’ Shoreline Gardener’s Gathering/Potluck with about 20 gardeners in the Shoreline City Council Chambers to share gardening stories and to learn more about what is happening with Gardening in Shoreline.

The Diggin’ Shoreline board members were introduced. Then they shared a PowerPoint presentation about Diggin’ Shoreline which included their strategic plan and goals.

Pause one minute…what is Diggin’ Shoreline? Diggin’ Shoreline is a nonprofit organization that helps create gardens and teaches classes around Shoreline.

You may know about the Twin Ponds Community Garden. Well, they are helping to support that too.

Maureen Colaizzi from the City of Shoreline Parks Department spoke about the Twin Ponds Community Garden and answered questions.

Next we broke for good healthy food and happy mingling. After eating we gathered together for gardeners to brag about what they have done gardening-wise.

I really liked interviewing enthusiastic gardeners for this article.

Here is a sample of some of the cool stuff that I heard:

Maryn W. has been gardening for 3 years. She has a bunch of metal garbage cans that she grows tomatoes in to keep the soil warm. She also has a solar fountain, which will be working soon.

John D. has been gardening for over 20 years and he has a dry streambed. When it rains, the rain comes off the roofline and flows through the garden streambed. Ferns naturally grew in where the water flows.

It was a great gardener gathering, and I hope to see you at the next one.

Maybe I will see you at the “Crazy About Veggies Plant Sale” on Saturday, May 19th in the Whidbey Island Bank Parking lot with their community shred event.

If you would like to know more about Diggin’ and even perhaps become a member, you can email us or call 206-440-5730. Our website will be up and running by the end of April too, so stay tuned!

Diggin’ Shoreline Board meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at City Hall in Room 301 beginning at 6:30pm.


Rebekah Demirel April 5, 2012 at 11:56 AM  

Hi there! I live in Shoreline and love gardening. I also just started a gardening blog http://greenheartgrowingproject.blogspot.com

I'd like to come to your next meeting if that's ok. Thanks, Rebekah

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