Boys’ Track Results, Thursday, March 29 at Shoreline Stadium

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Team Scores
Shorewood 97, Meadowdale 38
Lynnwood 70, Shorewood 66
Lynnwood 99, Meadowdale 37

100 Meters-- 1, David Fan, SW, 11.26. 2, Niko Frazier, SW, 11.67. … 4, Erik Johnson, SW, 11.93. … 8, Kant Xu, SW, 12.24. 9, Anxhelos Pere, SW, 12.29… 11, Taz Frazier, SW, 12.37. 12, Gage Carroll, SW, 12.38. 13, Samuel Smith, SW, 12.45. 14, Spencer Tu, SW, 12.55. … 17, An Nguyen,  SW, 12.81. 18, Josh Okamura, SW, 12.82. … Nathan Tipyasothi, SW, 13.09. 23, Aaron Miller, SW, 13.11. 24, Edward Frempong-Addy, SW, 13.15. … 26, Tam Nguyen, SW, 13.26. … 30, Hayden Hulbert, SW, 13.81. 31, Henry Bae, SW, 13.84. 32, Brendon Mittelbach, SW, 14.03. 33, Andrew Rwamashongye, SW, 14.05. 34, DougieJames III, SW, 14.19. 35, Leltuquet, Baylin, Meadowdale, 15.49.

200 Meters-- 1, N. Frazier, SW, 23.50. 2, Boyse Martinez, SW, 23.81 … 4, Andrew Garrison, SW, 24.60 … 6, Pere, SW, 25.27 … 9, Kant Xu, SW, 25.63… 11, E. Frempong-Addy, SW, 26.95. 12, Tipyasothi, SW, 27.02. … 14, Hulbert, SW, 27.48. …18, Bae, SW, 29.89. 19, Rwamashongye, SW, 31.00.

400 Meters-- 1, McArthur, L, 51.96. 2, Ammanuel Beyene, SW, 54.07. 3, Hayden Loch, SW, 54.15. 4, Chris Namba, SW, 54.96. 5, Erik Harris-Uldall, SW, 56.51. 6, Josh White, SW, 57.81.

800 Meters-- 1, McArthur, 2:07.02. 2, Sean Carlstrom, SW, 2:09.58. … 5, Evan Levy, SW, 2:16.80. . 10, Jason Herold, SW, 2:31.33. 11, Jared Hanson, SW, 2:32.75. … 13, Jonathan Fikru, SW, 2:34.52. … 15, Omar Abdulla, SW, 2:37.02.

1600 Meters-- 1, McArthur, L, 4:47.20. … 3, Keenan Stephens, SW, 4:52.92. 4, Michael Sutherland, SW, 4:57.17. 5, Levy, SW, 4:59.08. 6, Abdulla, SW, 4:59.41. …  9, John Ehni, SW, 5:05.93. … 12, Andrew Christianson, SW, 5:18.19. 13, Shane Peterson, SW, 5:23.57. 14, Zachary Beetham, SW, 5:24.42. 15, Thomas Miller, SW, 5:25.15. 16, Andrew Suh, SW, 5:27.22. 1 7, Hanson, SW, 5:35.16. 18, Fikru, SW, 5:39.84. 19, Stanley Diddams, SW, 5:44.03. …. 22, Jason Herold, SW, 5:50.76. 23, Aden Nevler, SW. 5:56.72. …  25, Spencer McCuistion, SW, 7:36.33.

3200 Meters-- 1, K. Stephens, SW, 10:22.59. 2, Giordano, M, 10:37.61. 3, Sutherland, SW, 10:50.27. 4, Ehni, SW, 10:59.04. 5, Christianson, SW, 11:16.69. 6, Carlstrom, SW, 11:19.06. … 9, Miller, SW, 11:58.39. 10, Peterson, SW, 12:00.94. 11, Diddams, SW, 12:09.88. 12, Suh, SW, 12:09.94.

110m Hurdles-- 1, J. Drew, L, 16.32. … 4, Alex Luu, SW, 19.98.

300m Hurdles- 1, Fomenko, L, 44.45. … 5, Luu, SW, 50.58.

4x100m- 1, Shorewood (Johnson, Frazier, Martinez, Fan), 44.62. 2, Lynnwood, 47.14. 3, Shorewood 'B' (Xu, Carroll,  Okamura, Pere), 47.18. 4, Meadowdale, 49.04. 5, Shorewood 'D' (Miller, James, Nguyen, Roushenash), 52.43. 6, Shorewood 'C' (Tipyasothi, Bae, Rwamashongye, Hulbert), 53.72.

4x400m- 1, Lynnwood, 3:37.01. 2, Shorewood (Loch, Namba, Beyene, Garrison), 3:37.06. 3, Shorewood 'B' (Carlstrom, Levy, White, Sutherland), 3:59.48. … 7, Shorewood 'C' (Abdulla, Peterson, Beetham, Harris-Uldall), 4:20.80.

High Jump-- 1, Aldin Vojnikovic, SW, 5-10; 2, Fomenko, L, 5-02.

Long Jump-- 1, Tu, SW, 18-07.50. 2, McArthur, L, 18-05.25. … 4, An Nguyen, SW, 17-09.50. …  6, Vojnikovic, Shorewood, 17-00. …  8, Rj Falloria,  SW, 16-06.50. …  10, TamNguyen, SW, 15-11.

Triple Jump-- 1, Skelton, L, 37-06.50. … 3, Tu, SW, 34-09.

Shot-- 1, Ben Jenne, SW, 37-03.50. 2, Khalil, M, 34-11. 3, … 12, Eric Yuong, SW, 27-05.50. … 15, Jonathan Reeve, SW, 26-06. … 17, Pedro Blandon Jr., SW, 14-08.50. 18, Jack Bickford, SW, 10-04.50.

Discus-- 1, Jenne, Ben, SW, 106-10. 2, Aaron, Lynnwood, 87-02. 3, Tyler Nickell, SW, 86-07. … 6, Frazier, SW, 77-01.

Javelin-- 1, Herzog, 127-07. … 3, Taz Frazier, SW, 115-02. …  5, Maxwell Hundhausen, SW, 110-05. … 10, Jenne, SW, 87-01. … 13, Blandon, SW, 82-06. 14, Chris Lee, SW, 80-08. 14, Nickell, SW, 80-08. … 17, Reeve, SW, 68-11. … 24, Italo Carosiello, SW, 50-10. … 26, Jack Bickford, SW, 21-07.


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