32nd District Democratic caucuses April 15

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Updated 4-2-2012 2:40pm

The 2012 Democratic 32nd Precinct Caucuses will be held on Sunday, April 15 at 1:00 pm at locations in King and Snohomish counties.

According to Campaign Coordinator Chris Roberts, "At the precinct caucuses, we will elect delegates to the Legislative District Caucus on Saturday, April 28, at 10:00 am at Edmonds-Woodway High School. You will also have a chance to provide input on our 2012 Draft Platform, which will be adopted at the LD Caucus."

The Caucus and Convention Cycle is the opportunity for Democrats to elect delegates to the National Convention and select our Party's nominee for President and Vice President. This year's national convention is in North Carolina.

More information about the caucuses and how they should operate will be provided at the next District meeting on Wednesday, April 11, 7pm at the Richmond Masonic Center in Shoreline (next to the Fred Meyers).

Caucus locations for Shoreline precincts:

Broadview-Thomson - Krista Tenney Caucus Coordinator (206) 367-8688

Christwood Auditorium - Leo Mahan Caucus Coordinator (206) 533-0942

Meridian Park Elementary - Maryn Wynne Caucus Coordinator (206) 533-6326
Richmond Masonic Hall - Robin McClelland Caucus Coordinator (206) 546-1717
Shorecrest High School - Kelly Schrader Caucus Coordinator (856) 220-9120
Alan Charnley's House - (206) 546-3868

In general terms, these are the precincts at each location:

  • Broadview-Thomson - all Seattle precincts, Shoreline precincts from Westminister Triangle, Highlands, and Highland Terrace
  • Christwood Auditorium - SHL 32-0499 and SHL 32-2712
  • Meridian Park Elementary - Shoreline precincts from Echo Lake, Hillwood*, Innis Arden, Meridian Park, and Richmond Beach*
  • Richmond Masonic Hall - Shoreline precincts from Richmond Highlands
  • Shorecrest High School - Shoreline precincts from Ballinger, Briarcrest, North City, Parkwood and Ridgecrest
  • Alan Charnley's House (19344 - 11th Ave. NW) - SHL 32-1053  
* Two Hillwood precincts caucus at Christwood. One Richmond Beach precinct will caucus at Alan Charnley's house.

If you are unsure of your precinct, find it here


Chris Roberts,  April 1, 2012 at 11:53 PM  

North City Precincts will also caucus at Shorecrest.

For more information and a to find exactly where you will caucus - visit http://www.wa-democrats.org/caucuses

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