Veteran legislator for LFP’s new district announces retirement

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A State representative from the 46th Legislative District has announced her retirement.
Lake Forest Park and Kenmore will become part of the 46th district with this year’s election. Prior to redistricting, the District was entirely in Northeast Seattle.
Democratic State Rep. Phyllis Gutierrez Kenny announced Thursday that she would not seek a ninth two-year term in the House of Representatives.
No candidate has announced an intent to run for the position.
Democratic State Sen. David Frockt has registered with the State Public Disclosure Commission as a candidate for the last two years of the four-year term that he has held by appointment since the 2011 death of the late Sen. Scott White.
Democratic State Rep. Gerry Pollet has registered as a candidate for the position that he has held by appointment since he replaced Frockt after Frockt moved to the Senate. Democrat Sylvester Cann has been raising money for a challenge to Pollet.

In 2010, White and Frockt won without opposition, Kenny defeated an independent opponent with 83 percent of the vote.

Kenny is chairwoman of the House committee on community development, a member of the ways and means committee and the committee on labor and workforce development and past chairwoman of the higher education committee.

In her announcement, Kenny said that she believes that all legislators, Democrat and Republican, got to Olympia with a true commitment to the people we represent and a true desire to make Washington a better place for all.

Before joining the Legislature, she helped start the Migrant Day-Care Center.
She is a former member of the board of the Seattle Community College District,

House Speaker Frank Chopp issued this statement:
“To me, Phyllis’s story is the embodiment of the American Dream. Born to migrant workers, she spent her early years working in the fields. But she believed in the promise of this country and in the value of education and look at what she achieved!  
“However, she never forgot her roots. She has worked tirelessly on behalf of the underrepresented in our state, improving conditions for farm workers, fighting for educational opportunities for lower-income students, and providing shelter for the homeless. 
“We are going to miss her.”         
Frockt said this:
 “My colleague and good friend, Representative Phyllis Gutiérrez Kenney, announced her plans to retire from the Legislature. Although she will no longer serve in this capacity, her legacy of service and her devotion to the people of the 46th District, and to Washington State, will long be remembered. I was privileged enough to serve alongside Phyllis in the House during my first year as a freshman legislator, and have been working closely with her on a number of important measures while in the Senate.
“Recently, I attended a breakfast with Phyllis in support of the plan to end homelessness in our community. I wish everyone could have heard her speech at that important event, where she relayed her family’s history – when they were once wanting. This was a window into my friend’s soul and her heart. She has had life experiences that many of us will never have and there is no doubt it is what drove her work in public life.  Her sense of community and compassion for those less fortunate sets an example for me and many others.
“Phyllis is moving on to a new phase her life with her beloved husband Larry. Her work here and on behalf of the people all around this state will be missed, but it will never be forgotten.  She made a difference.”


Anonymous,  March 5, 2012 at 2:26 PM  

It's been a pleasure serving with Rep. Kenney in the State Legislature and on the committee that she chairs, Community & Economic Development & Housing the past year and half.

I am sorry that Lake Forest Park and Kenmore will not have the opportunity to be represented by Phyllis, but I am sure she will continue to advocate for our communities, economic development, and housing on behalf of all the citizens of Washington State.

Cindy Ryu, representing the mighty 32nd LD - the suburban cities and towns (and Esperance) of north King and south Snohomish Counties.

Anonymous,  March 7, 2012 at 7:16 PM  

While I don't know Rep. Kenney, I thank her for her service and wish her well in a deserved retirement.

As for other candidates, I'm sure they'll emerge. Perhaps former Lake Forest Park Deputy Mayor Dwight Thompson for the Democrats or former LFP Councilman Ed Sterner or current Kenmore Mayor David Baker for the Republicans.

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