Paramount School Park all spruced up for spring

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Volunteers made the grounds immaculate
Photo courtesy Ridgecrest Neighborhood Association

By Patty Hale

The Ridgecrest Neighborhood applied for and received a Neighborhood Mini-Grant from the City of Shoreline last fall. The grant paid for the purchase of a public bulletin board which was installed at Paramount School Park by Park staff in December.

As Neighborhood Mini-Grants require a minimum of a 50% dollar for dollar match in volunteer time, the Ridgecrest Neighborhood Association organized a park clean up and beautification project to achieve the match.

No matter how much bark you have, you always need more
Photo courtesy RCNA

The work party was originally scheduled for Saturday, February 25, but was snowed out. The rescheduled clean up was held Saturday, March 3, under blue skies and sun.

Some of the 20 volunteers line up for the camera
Photo courtesy RCNA

20 volunteers picked up litter, pulled weeds and spread 15 yards of bark. A lot of hard work by both young and old got the job done in just under 4 hours. Paramount School Park is all clean and dressed up for the upcoming busy spring.

The Ridgecrest Neighborhood Association
has a shiny new bulletin board
Photo courtesy RCNA

As one of the most used parks in the system, it is also due for some new play equipment. Just about the time that school gets out for the summer, finishing touches will be completed on new equipment for use by children and adults, plus swings and picnic tables.


Patty Hale March 14, 2012 at 9:40 AM  

Clarification: As stated in a correction I sent prior to publication of this article - "Neighborhood Mini-Grants require a 100% match."
Ridgecrest Neighborhood doubled the required match required for the Paramount School Park Bulletin Board. Currently, the Ridgecrest Board is accepting proposals for neighborhood improvement projects for 2012 and 2013. Contact with your project ideas.

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