How to create a personal safety net

Friday, March 16, 2012

Judy Pigott and Ben Kaufman
Workshop presenters
Richmond Beach Congregational Church, UCC, is offering a workshop “Living Alone or Far From Family: Staying Connected and Safe," Saturday, March 31, 2012, 10am-12:30noon.

Presenters Judy Pigott and Ben Kaufman will introduce us to the concept of Personal Safety Nets and assist us in creating one. 

In this interactive workshop, we will learn how to intentionally create a personal safety net made up of plans, resources, and people who strengthen our lives. 

A chosen safety community will enrich our lives during good times, and we can lean on it during hard times. A strong team and stronger connections to a broader community gives you security and reassurance during life’s inevitable changes and challenges. 

There will also be information about home safety/fall prevention. 

Brunch will be offered, including vegetarian and gluten-free options. 

Please call Richmond Beach Congregational Church at 206-542-7477 to sign up so we can plan food and handouts for all.


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