Help restoration of the Strandberg Preserve in Shoreline, March 31

Sunday, March 11, 2012

2011 work party at Strandberg Preserve

Planting at the Richmond Beach Strandberg Preserve on March 31
Richmond Beach Standberg Preserve
10:00 am - 1:00 pm Saturday, Mar 31st 2012

Contact Forterra (formerly Cascade Land Conservancy). 

Help restore this ecologically significant preserve by planting native plants to rebuild this neighborhood forest. Register online to reserve your spot.

About the Preserve
The forested property is adjacent to Richmond Beach Park. The area has significant scenic and natural habitat for resident and migratory birds including Bald Eagles, Osprey, and Great Blue Heron. Mature stand of Douglas fir trees on the property offer a nesting site for these birds. Join volunteers for a day of planting native tress, shrubs and ground cover.

What to bring to volunteer
Dress for the weather: boots or comfortable athletic shoes, work clothes, rain gear and appropriate layers. Volunteers should bring a refillable water bottle. Water, snacks, tools, gloves and training will be provided.

The trailhead and meeting location is located at 17th Ave NW and NW 191st St. Shoreline, WA 98177.


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