Shoreline City Council notes from February 6, 2012 meeting

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shoreline City Council Meeting on Monday February 6, 2012

By Devon Vose Rickabaugh 

The city council voted 6-0 to urge the state legislature to pass Senate Bill 6239 to end the prohibition on same sex marriage. Council member Chris Roberts said “It’s only fair for everyone to have the same opportunity for happiness that I’ve had in my marriage. Marriage equality for everyone is a fundamental right.” Mayor McGlashan said that more same sex couples are moving to outlying areas including Shoreline and that the city needs to welcome them. 

Mayor McGlashan proclaimed February 2012 Black History Month. He told three students from Shorewood High School how much he appreciated all they had done to commemorate black history. 

Michael Derrick general manager for Ronald Wastewater told the council the sewer district has completed around $3, 000,000 in sewer upgrades in Echo Lake and other areas in the city to comply with the city’s comprehensive plan. When the economy turns around and “When people are ready to start building we will have plenty of sewer capacity,” he said. 

Dan Eernissee the Economic Development Program Manager talked about challenges for long term economic development in Shoreline and what can be done about it. He mentioned no population growth in the past ten years, but said the city had approved property tax exemption programs to attract residential development and working toward faster permitting to help business development. Mayor McGlashan said that people had said high property taxes as a reason not to move to Shoreline, but that the quality of life here is supported by these taxes and is a reason to move here. Council member Salomon suggested direct marketing to young families. Council member Roberts asked “What can cities do to really effect economic development?” Dan Eemissee said he thinks the city is doing the right things and eventually it will pay off. 

City manager Julie Underwood announced that a discussion of the community garden at the South East corner of Twin Ponds Park would be held on Thursday February 9th at Trinity Presbyterian Church. She said the employee art show is up in the city hall gallery featuring Lauren Greathouse and Betty Udesen . An open house and reception will be held February 9 at 5 pm. Also the employee survey has been completed for this year. The survey asks employees to judge the communication in city departments and the culture of the organization among other items. Results will be announced at the all city staff meeting to be held this week. Underwood encouraged city residents to take the survey about tobacco free parks in the city. (see article). 


Anonymous,  February 8, 2012 at 8:25 AM  

The city of Shoreline is sending mixed messages. Right before the council discussed the need to attract more young families with children in order to spur economic growth, it passed a resolution supporting gay marriage. If they think that's a message that resonates with families with children, they should think again.

Anonymous,  February 8, 2012 at 9:55 AM  

Really? Really? If you don't want to live by gay families you better move to the moon. Sounds like the 1950's and you want to keep those "undesirables" out of the neighborhood.

Anonymous,  February 8, 2012 at 2:45 PM  

If you plan on getting into a community that has no gay families, I'd suggest you start planning your move to the moon.

Anonymous,  February 8, 2012 at 3:07 PM  

What about the illegal executive session during the dinner meeting?

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