Hawai'ian lu'au and concert at New Hope Church

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What's a Hawaiian event without shirts?
Photo by Jerry Pickard

By Jerry Pickard

120 people, including visitors from Hawaii, attended a lu'au and concert on February 10, 2012 at the New Hope Church, which kicked of the Northwest tour of Kohala, a Hawaiian music group.

The event was sponsored by Aloha Island Treasures  owned by Bill and Gloria Nahaleah, promoters of Hawaiian productions along the coast through Hawaiian Showcase TV.

New Hope Seattle Community Church is located at 19350 Firlands Way in Shoreline. It was founded seven years ago by Pastors Jon and Cindy Burgess who came to Shoreline from Hawaii to set up a church on the mainland. 

 "Missionaries to the "Howlies" you might say."

New Hope has a large following of expatriate Hawaiians who come from as far away as Bellingham to the north and Longview to the south for services. New Hope has Lu'au's and Hula's to celebrate many events.

Six Wahines dancing
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Lots of "Aunties" (older ladies) with flowers in their hair. Some "Wahines" (young ladies), and some "Kaikes" (Children) there for the food. It was a fun evening!

Bill and Gloria Nahaleah sing. Greg Porter on right.
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Bill and Gloria represent the Hawaiian community in the northwest. Bill has been doing promotions of his ethnic group all over the northwest and the Hawaiian islands with Gloria's help. Gloria has been a hula instructor for many years and teaches adults and children traditional Hula dance.

Greg Porter runs the Hawaiian radio show on Bellevue College's KBCS on Saturdays.

Kohala starts their first concert on the mainland.
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Kahealani Tripp performs a hula while Kohala plays.
Photo by Jerry Pickard

Some of the 120 diners at the lu'au
Photo by Jerry Pickard


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