Letter to the Editor: Doris McConnell has my vote

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To the Editor:

As a resident of Shoreline and a concerned citizen, I feel Councilwoman Doris McConnell is definitely the best candidate for  Position 4 on the Shoreline City Council.  She has been on top of all the issues and has listened to the voters of Shoreline.  I don't like to be negative, but the citizens of Shoreline have to be reminded of the problems her opponent caused when she was on the Council.  Way did all in her power to be divisive and disruptive and cost the taxpayers of Shoreline thousands of dollars because she and her cohorts wanted power and they unethically fired the city manager.  Since Way is no longer on the council, the meetings run smoothly, the council works as a team and there are no personal agendas.  Doris has worked hard  through PTA and the Shoreline Foundation to strengthen our community.  The Municipal League rates her higher than Way.  Doris is a positive force on the council and helps the council stay focused on the true needs of the citizens of Shoreline and she does not have a personal agenda, like Janet Way.   Doris cares about ALL  the citizens!!  Doris McConnell has my vote!!!

Nancy Gustafson


Anonymous,  November 3, 2011 at 7:29 AM  

You've got to be kidding Nancy. Doris "on top of issues"? Please, everyone who watches her on the council can see she has little grasp on anything happening in the city. She spends all her time giggling and shuffling through papers.

She is well known for missing important meetings, even declaring at one council meeting after arriving 20 minutes late, "I left another meeting to be here!". What does she think her job is? The PTA?

I've never seen such a lightweight on our council, or any other. She's an embarrassment.

And by the way, it is not the job of the council to be a "team". It is to have real oversight of the staff, to legislate and to be watchdogs, not lap dogs.

Let's get real, and get a councilmember who will do the work, and really get things done, not just rubber-stamp whatever the staff wants.

Janet Way is the obvious choice, especially on Point Wells.

Diane K,  November 3, 2011 at 9:04 AM  

Janet Way is a cog in the wheel. I've watched her at those Council meetings and after seeing those meetings and how they went I WOULD NOT want Janet Way in there again. Janet might work well in other situations but not on Council. I've been on many boards with Doris McConnell (Richmond Little League, PTA, Teen Gift Drive and the list goes on) for many year's and I have to say she listen's, she's resourceful, and she works hard to get the job done, she's an advocate for children, she's the ardent volunteer and takes on more than I can put into this Post. It tells a lot about a person who has donated countless hours for the benefit of other people, while raising two very competent children by herself after the loss of her husband to cancer. I don't know Janet Way personally so I'm not going to make any negative comment about her demeanor or if she's an embarrassment or attack her character, I just know that by watching her in the past it would be a HUGE MISTAKE for Shoreline Voter's to bring her back. There's was a reason she was voted out in the first place. VOTE FOR DORIS!!!

Anonymous,  November 3, 2011 at 9:46 AM  

Dear Diane K,

We are all sorry for Doris that she lost her husband to cancer many years ago. However that has nothing whatsoever to do with her qualifications for the City Council.

And as for the PTA, Little League, and other very nice volunteer projects, those have very little if anything to do with qualifications for the City council either.

We are talking about a medium sized CITY GOVERNMENT with an over $54 MILLION budget. We are talking about Point Wells. We are talking about Light Rail, Human Services, Land Use, Public Works, Parks and dozens of other topics that the council must deal with.


It is about whether Doris McConnell is a serious person. Which candidate is willing to challenge the conventional wisdom, put forward real ideas and help find resources to get our city and our people through a terrible economic slump? Which candidate is willing to work hard, study the facts and really listen to the people, and not shut down debate and public comment?

It is clear that Janet Way is that candidate, and not Doris McConnell.

Allen Anderson November 3, 2011 at 10:47 AM  

It is sad the two "anonymous' individuals support Janet Way. Where were they when Mrs. Way came to the meetings unprepared, could not find anything she was looking for and could not utter a sentence without "ah's", "oh's" three or four times in each sentence. She was against everything except saving the trees. She was disruptive. Doris has brought good sense to the meetings, is prepared and has a positive attitude the City of Shoreline needs.

Let's keep Doris McConnell on the council. No Way with Janet Way.

Allen Anderson, Shoreline

Anonymous,  November 3, 2011 at 11:35 AM  

Doris McConnell is not my idea of a council member. How can anyone say she is prepared. She brings nothing to the table. She cannot state one issue she has championed while on the City Council. She votes to approve every development issue and has stated she makes her decisions before listening to public comment! Listening her at public forums is like listening to a dentist drill my teeth!

Anonymous,  November 3, 2011 at 5:05 PM  

What's really fun about being anonymous is that I could be anyone. Even the candidate I am purportedly supporting. Hotcha!

Seriously though, political comments are meaningless without a real name attached. (And if it is because you're the candidate? Surely you can find someone else to author your defense.)

Come on folks, this is Shoreline! I expect more from my neighbors whether they agree with me or not. Stand behind what you say or don't say it at all.

Anonymous,  November 3, 2011 at 5:29 PM  

Going along to get along = no creative problem solving, no listening to alternatives that might offer a better solution, no open minds. Every successful business person knows that this is a recipe that leads to the death of a business. Doris prides herself on her going along to get along trait. This is not the approach I want used to represent my interests in Shoreline's future. Thank You......

Brent Edens,  November 3, 2011 at 8:15 PM  

Anonymous, you are not doing Janet Way any favors here, that's for sure.
My vote was already leaning towards Doris McConnell and you certainly pushed me further in that direction.

Emde November 4, 2011 at 8:22 AM  

I am in complete agreement with Diane and Allen. After sitting through several council meetings I was very frustrated with how disorganized Janet appeared to be and the way she would drag things out unnecessarily. I made the mistake of voting her into office last time. I won't make that same mistake again.

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