Op-Ed: LFP residents: Act like civil human beings

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sarah Sue Burich is a bicycle commuter who lives in North Seattle and must pass through Lake Forest Park on the Burke Gilman detour twice a day.  She has found it a frustrating and frightening experience.

To residents of Lake Forest Park,

I am a bike commuter and have to admit, Burke-Gilman construction is obnoxious. It is an inconvenience for everyone. I can understand how awful it is living right across from it. It is an eye sore, noisy, tons of construction dudes hanging out in your front yard. It is an adjustment for all, especially with new bikers on the street, creating additional hazard and stress to drives home. 

It is also stressful for us bikers as well. The new detour is longer, tiring and a lot more interface with traffic. We do not want this bike trail construction going on as much as you do! Unfortunately, it is one of our only options right now.

I make an effort to be a conscientious and safe biker. I can understand how nerve wracking it can be to drive by bikers. I’ve been in your position many times. 

However, I strongly believe that we have just as much right to be on these roads as anyone else. We are very aware of you on the roads. My intention when I get on my bike is for safety and defensive biking. 

It is difficult when there are road-enraged drivers that decide that they need to make a point and swerve at us. 
I was recently driven off the road. 
I cannot understand why bullying and endangering a human life is okay? 
What if you found out your daughter, sister or spouse was victim of such road rage? How would that feel? I want to emphasize that these bikers you see that seem like a nuisance to you are human beings. Scaring them by honking, swerving and harassing them will not only fuel your own anger, but risk hurting someone.

I request adapting to this construction until it passes like civil human beings and acknowledging the other perspective. Thank you for your consideration.


Anonymous,  October 8, 2011 at 9:58 AM  

Sarah, there is no excuse for what happened to you. Please don't assume it was a Lake Forest Park resident, however. Much of the automobile traffic in our town is pass-through traffic, just as you are a pass-through cyclist.

Sarah Sue Burich,  October 8, 2011 at 11:23 AM  

It actually was a resident. I was on Beach Dr. NE and he was a block short of turning into his driveway. When I turned around to confront him on his move of running me off the road, he completely reamed into me. It was nothing short of bullying! It caught me by complete surprise and shock. There was so much anger and rage... It was this reaction and his perspective that inspired me to speak out and create some awareness to the public on this topic. His perspective was completely one-sided, refusing to consider the larger picture, especially the side of us bikers. He seemed to be a very unhappy, angry man in general.

Anonymous,  October 8, 2011 at 10:54 PM  

What happened after you filed a police report?

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