Meet the Candidates: School Board Director Dist 5: Richard Potter

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Richard Potter, School Board Director District 5
Schools are an investment in our children – our future. Our students deserve the best education we can provide.

I believe that elected officials should be evaluated and held accountable for their service and how well they meet their commitments. Holding public office is an honor, not an entitlement. 

I am proud of my record.  Since I took office: 

 • Student test scores are up. 
 • Communication between the District and community has improved significantly. 
 • The District has overhauled most of the math curriculum. 
 • Our budget is under control (better than most) despite the state slashing education funding. 
 • We have upgraded many school facilities and are replacing both high schools.

I am a Shoreline resident of 28 years; one student in district; one Shorecrest graduate.

I welcome your input and feedback. Let’s work together to make Shoreline the premier school district in the state.  

Phone: 206-367-5477


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