Salomon leads Shoreline candidates in fundraising – partially with own funds

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Shoreline City Council candidate Jesse Salomon has raised the most money among Shoreline candidates, but much of the money comes from Salomon himself.

Public Disclosure reports through Tuesday showed that Salomon had raised $26,885 and spent $11,352 to opponent Robin McClelland’s $13,018 raised and $9,232 spent.

Attorney Salomon and former Shoreline Planning Commissioner McClelland are running for the position now held by Councilman Terry Scott.

The two have accounted for $39,903 raised and $20,584 spent.

Salomon’s fundraising includes a $10,300 personal contribution, $4,700 in loans, and individual contributions from local Democratic activists Robert and Elaine Phelps, Dan Mann, Corey Murata and Wendy DiPeso, from Democratic State Reps. Cindy Ryu and Luis Moscoso, from former Democratic State Rep. Nancy Rust and from former Shoreline Councilwoman Janet Way. Salomon listed two maximum $800 contributions from a relative, one for the primary election and one for the general election. Since there was no primary, the contribution exceeded the contribution limit, and Salomon has returned the excess contribution.

Janet Way, who is attempting a political comeback against incumbent Councilwoman Doris McConnell, has tapped many of the same contributors, Way’s donors include Robert and Elaine Phelps, Dan Mann, Nancy Rust, State Reps. Ryu and Moscoso, State Sen. Maralyn Chase, 32nd Legislative District Democratic Chairwoman Carin Chase, former 32nd District Democratic Chairwoman Lila Smith and former Shoreline Councilwoman Maggie Fimia.

The contest between McConnell and Way has attracted $15,789 in fundraising and resulted in $6,502 in expenditures. McConnell has reported raising $8,555 and spending $3,747 to $7,234 raised and $2,755 spent for challenger Way.

Salomon’s opponent, McClelland, has donations from the Washington Association of Realtors, the James Alan Salon, from Democratic State Rep. Ruth Kagi, Shoreline School Board member Mike Jacobs, Shoreline City Councilwoman Shari Winstead, former Shoreline Councilmen Ron Hansen, Paul Grace, Rich Gustafson and Bob Ransom, former Shoreline School Board member Bill Schnall, and Shoreline residents Gloria Bryce, Mary Fox, Karen Thelke, and Robert and Katie Hauk.

Way’s opponent, McConnell, also has contributions from the Washington Association of Realtors, the James Alan Salon, Gloria Bryce, Robert and Katie Hauk, Ron Hansen, Paul Grace, Rich Gustafson, Mike Jacobs, Bill Schnall, Karen Thelke and Shari Winstead, and contributions from former School Board members Herb Bryce and Judy Parsons.

Candidate William Hubbell, who is challenging incumbent Councilman Chris Eggen, has reported raising $5,345 and spending $5,053. Eggen has reported raising $2,845 and spending $439. That makes the total in the Eggen-Hubbell contest $8,190 raised and $5,492 spent.

Total fundraising for the three Shoreline Council contests on the November 8 general election ballot nine weeks before the election, had reached $63,882 and spending was $32,578. That’s $3.52 raised and $1.80 spent for each of the 18,132 Shoreline voters who participated in the City election two years ago.


Anonymous,  September 8, 2011 at 8:25 AM  

Very little of Salomon's campaing funds have come from Shoreline residents or businesses. Makes you wonder where his loyalties lie and how "invested" he really is in this community. Is this just a stepping stone for him? Will he just move to another city and run again if he loses here like he did after his last loss?

Anonymous,  September 8, 2011 at 9:10 AM  

What is with these big coffers this year. How much does this job pay per year and why are both candidates going after these positions so agressively...make you wonder who is getting paid off for what special interest. Our city is tiny compared to other why this big push. Will they donate what they don't use in their coffers to the City of Shoreline?????

Anonymous,  September 8, 2011 at 10:25 AM  

Wow,the Mayor's salary is - $10,500
a Councilmember salary - $8,400

and they are spending how much on their campaings???? So exactly what are those dollars buying??? Will they give the extra to the City? Now there is a question

Anonymous,  September 8, 2011 at 8:49 PM  

I don't think that any one candidate can be singled out for using a coucil positian as a stepping stone. It's possible that any or all could be doing that. The issue is who will represent the and fight for interests of Shoreline citizens. The funds needed these days to win a campaign are obscene, even at the local level. WE all need to work to change a broken system where money buys elections, not simply who will do the job for us.

Evan Smith (not anonymous),  September 10, 2011 at 12:51 AM  

The last I heard, the annual pay was $8,400 per year.
The money for Jesse Salomon and Janet Way comes from 32nd Legislative District Democrats, who controlled the Council before Way and Cindy Ryu lost two years ago and now want to regain control.
• The money for McClelland, McConnell and Hubbell comes from a group that wants to keep that group from regaining control.

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