Rotary of Lake Forest Park

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

By Marj Ando

September is an important month for Rotarians. The month is dedicated to “New Generations” of young students who belong to one of the following service clubs, by age groups: 
  • Interact (12 – 18)
  • Rotaract (18 – 30)
  • Youth Exchange students (15 – 19)
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (14 – 30). 

Some districts have also added another group: Rotary Early Act for students (5 to 13). These groups recognize the positive change of young people through leadership development activities, personal integrity, involvement in community and international service projects and exchange programs that can enrich and foster world peace and cultural understanding.

Students at Shorecrest are representatives of The Interact Service Club who meet with teacher mentor, Siri Hulbert. Other students are members of the Lake Forest Park Youth Council, mentored by Carol Dahl. The clubs will be focusing on the “4-Way Test” and using the motto of “Service Above Self” through a series of workshops. Writing an essay about one of these, (to be determined by new members, meeting for the first time this month), Seniors will be eligible to earn one of two $1000 scholarships to be presented at graduation in 2012.

This month, the Interactors will share with the LFP Youth Council in leading a Community Conversation about the Stewardship of Democracy. They will share their future visions for Lake Forest Park. Will it be Surviving or Thriving community in the years to come? Will they have a viable community for their own children to live in? This conversation will take place at Third Place Commons on September 28, from 7 – 9 pm. We hope you will join us.

In a joint venture by Interact and Rotaract members, a local community project will also be undertaken in addition to other good works. They will be adopting Blue Heron Park as one of their annual projects. Blue Heron was purchased in 1989 for the city. Formerly called, “Stump Farm,” it was one of LFP Rotary’s Club first projects.

Rotary International is the world’s first service club organization. There are over 1.2 million men and women worldwide in 34,000 clubs in 200 countries dedicated to volunteering their expertise, time and money. The mission of Rotary is to provide humanitarian “Service Above Self” to others and to promote high ethical standards in all vocations while building goodwill and peace in the world. 

The Primary focus is on following: The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do to answer:
  1. is it the TRUTH? 
  2. is it FAIR to all concerned?, 
  3. will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 
  4. will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


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