RBCA meeting agenda changed: City of Shoreline to answer neighborhood's questions about Point Wells

Thursday, September 8, 2011

By Tom Petersen

The much-anticipated public meeting of the Richmond Beach Community Association scheduled for Tuesday, September 13, 2011 has a new agenda. The City of Shoreline's Director of Economic Development, Dan Eernessee, has had to postpone his presentation, but will be back later this fall. 

Meanwhile, what had been scheduled to be a brief Point Wells update by the City of Shoreline and by the RBCA Point Wells Subcommittee has been expanded so that the many, many questions submitted in recent weeks can be answered.

Dozens and dozens of questions and comments were left with the city manager at the huge August 31 meeting at City Hall, and more were added at the City Council’s study session on September 6. Since timely communication is one theme of the questions, the City staff is eager to try to address all the questions and answer them on September 13.

The meeting will be in the sanctuary at the Richmond Beach Congregational Church at the corner of Richmond Beach Road and 15th Avenue NW and will start at 7:30 p.m. 

It is open to all the public, not just Richmond Beach residents or RBCA members. (RBCA memberships and renewals will be available.)


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