
Friday, September 23, 2011

Photo: Northern Lights from Shoreline?

Photographer Finn Huffstettner took this photo recently at NE 183rd and 3rd NE.  He calls it "Northern Lights?"  What do you think?


  1. I think I'm seeing more and more of Finn Huffstettner's photography..and, I'm glad. It is awesome!

    I appreciate the inclusion of so many photos in makes it a lot of fun to come by for a look!

  2. I believe that is the Northern Lights. We had a strong chance of seeing them 2 weekends ago. I also heard friends tell me they saw the lights out in the mountains as well. A lot of the glow closer to the horizon is light pollution, however some of it may be blending with the northern lights. They have to be really intense to be brighter than the surrounding light pollution we have around here.


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