Openings still available for tomato canning class on Saturday, Sept 10

Friday, September 2, 2011

Learning to can and preserve in your own can be pretty intimidating. Besides, it's much more fun in a group! Space is still available in this last class of the season on Saturday, September 10, sponsored by Diggin' Shoreline. 

Preserving Nature's Bounty is taught by Master Preserver Shannon Valderas. Shannon takes the mystery out of home canning in this two-hour session that is both fun and informative. You'll leave with a jar of produce you've canned yourself, and enough knowledge to tackle future canning projects with confidence.  

To reserve your spot today, call Lee at 425-830-1046 or Londa at 206-437-9068. Fee for the class is $25, $20 for Diggin' Shoreline members.


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