Letter to the Editor: Why we need to elect Mary Jane Goss

Saturday, September 3, 2011

To the Editor:

In an August 6th article, the Pianos asked:"What does Mrs. Goss mean by saying that she would like to essentially keep Lake Forest Park as it is now? Would she like to see LFP continue to lose young families for lack of community parks and youth activities?"

Mary Jane Goss believes that people, including young families, move to Lake Forest Park because of its character which rests on the strength of its neighborhoods. "The best way to keep our City affordable is to rein in government expenses to keep property taxes affordable."

She also believes that there are sufficient funds to maintain our infrastructure. Sufficient city staff is indeed important. She will conduct a top-down review to ensure that the City is as efficient as possible. As to the hard copy "Town Crier", you may recall that the Council, led by Mr. Thompson, voted to cut it while funding in excess of $50,000 worth of non-budgeted items.

With respect to seniors, I recognize that all senior citizens are not created equal. Some have large assets, but others, like me, are not so well off. To fund these "senior services" would it entail higher property taxes and higher user fees? This could drive seniors on fixed incomes OUT of their homes. Do you suppose we could go live on the Senior Center's doorstep?

The City must be prepared to deal with a very difficult economic situation for the next several years and they can't do it on the backs of property owners and local businesses.

Deputy Mayor Dwight Thompson touts his leadership and management skills. Where were these skills when he led the Council in the years leading up to the City's serious financial troubles?

Mary Jane Goss knows how to get the City out of its financial troubles and will do it by listening to our citizens.

Jean M.Bryant
Lake Forest Park


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