Letter to the Editor: Our city needs a government that will live within its means

Sunday, September 18, 2011

To the Editor:

This is In response to David Farkas' letter to the editor which was published in the Sept. 11th issue of the Shoreline Area News

In his letter "Taxes and the Impoverished Person Argument", Mr.Farkas speaks of the LFP government as standing at the ready to help its "real or hypothetical" low- income people. He claims that the tax burden is "too little" and should not be bothersome to anyone. These are comforting thoughts. It's too bad they contradict the facts.

Although the City Council raised the property tax levy rate this year from $1.34 per $1,000 to $1.39 per thousand, none of the city's programs offers financial aid to low income residents who are struggling to pay rent, utilities and city fees and taxes. And while home values declined 10% this year, the City Council's budget for 2012 will likely raise the levy rate to around $1.54 per $1,000.

Mr.Farkas thinks LFP contains only hypothetical low-income residents. Is he unaware that the middle class in this country has lost 23% of its wealth since 2008 according to a Pew Institute study? Perhaps he has not met the 66 year old single woman in our city who struggles to pay utilities, city fees and the property tax by cashing in part of her IRA each 6 months when the tax bill arrives.

When we take the effort to learn the facts and extend our concern to all of our neighbors, it is clear that our city needs a government that will live within its means. It is the candidate for mayor, Mary Jane Goss, who will deliver that.

Jean Bryant
Lake Forest Park


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