Deputy Mayor Hall appointed to Puget Sound Partnership’s Ecosystem Coordination Board

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Deputy Mayor Will Hall
The Leadership Council of the Puget Sound Partnership (PSP) recently appointed Shoreline Deputy Mayor Will Hall to the Ecosystem Coordination Board. 

Deputy Mayor Hall was nominated by the Association of Washington Cities to represent the interests of all 112 cities in the 12-county region surrounding Puget Sound.

The Legislature created the PSP in 2007 as a means of bringing the Puget Sound community together to create a roadmap for managing the Sound’s health. It is a community effort of citizens, governments, tribes, scientists and businesses. 

The Ecosystem Coordination Board advises the PSP’s Leadership Council on carrying out the Council’s responsibilities. The Board is made up of 27 individuals representing specific interests around the Sound.
“This board is key to the success of the Partnership,” said Gerry O’Keefe, executive director of PSP. “It is the only board in the region where representatives of so many diverse interests sit around the same table to help prioritize and coordinate actions that restore the health of Puget Sound.”

Hall stated, 
“Puget Sound sustains our natural environment, our economy, and our quality of life. A healthy Puget Sound ecosystem is essential to the sustainability of our cities and the region. And sustainability continues to be an overarching goal and philosophy for the City of Shoreline, so this is a great fit for me personally and for the City. It is an honor to be chosen to represent 112 cities and all their residents in this important work.”

Hall brings a variety of perspectives to the Board having worked professionally and as a concerned citizen on issues important to the Puget Sound ecosystem. He has a Master in Marine Affairs from the University of Washington and over fifteen years experience working on restoring the health of the Puget Sound ecosystem. As a planner, Hall led salmon recovery, watershed planning and marine resource programs for Snohomish County.

In addition to his professional career, Hall also has extensive experience working from the non-profit side of ecosystem restoration. He has served as Treasurer of The Coastal Society and Executive Vice President of the Northwest Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration.


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