Overland Trailer Court property proposed development, public meeting Wednesday August 10

Monday, August 8, 2011

Neighborhood meeting Wednesday, August 10, 2010, 7pm at the Shoreline Library

Pat Carroll and Peter Carroll of Epic Construction / 1st Northwest Development and their architect Matt Driscoll of d/Arch LLC had their first meeting with Shoreline planning staff to discuss their proposal to build a 123 unit apartment building on the Overland Trailer Court property just off Aurora at 1210 N 152nd Street in Shoreline.

Shoreline Associate Planner David Levitan, AICP explains that Pre-application meetings are primarily used to discuss procedural requirements and regulatory/development standards, and to allow City staff to take a first look at the project.

There are mature trees on the site, but at the time of the pre-application meeting, no decisions had been made about how many trees would need to be removed to accommodate their proposal.

Levitan says, "Plans and layouts often change based on City comments."

There are no waterways on the property, but Levitan says that "there is a section  that forms the northwest terminus of Thornton Creek Reach 5, located about 8 properties to the east (1338 N 152nd Street).  Should the applicants move forward with their proposal and submit a formal building permit application, they will be required to prepare a SEPA Checklist and full set of plans, allowing City staff to further review these issues."

The site was once proposed as a location for SHAG housing.

At the meeting on Wednesday, the developers will give a presentation on their proposal and answer questions from attendees.  Any and all are welcome to attend.



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