Evening traffic detoured around Jazz Walk venue Tuesday evening

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Looking north on 15th NE in North City.  Photo by Jerry Pickard.

The "road to be closed" signs were up the day before, but the road closure on 15th NE for the Jazz Walk on Tuesday, August 16, still came as a surprise to evening commuters.

Traffic was backed up toward Seattle on 15th NE, with cars waiting through at least one light cycle before turning left onto NE 175th to be routed onto 10th NE, then back up to 15th via NE 180th.

Southbound traffic on 10th NE had a slow crawl to get to 15th NE.
A surprising number of cars were headed southbound on 10th NE, apparently coming from SR 99 to get on 15th NE southbound. They moved at a slow crawl through the intersection at NE 175th.

Listening to Jazz Camp performers.  Photo by Jerry Pickard.

People already on the street for Jazz Walk were doing just fine on a warm summer evening.


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