
Monday, July 25, 2011

Shoreline DogFest, August 13 - owners welcome, with dog

Sponsored by ShoreDog and the City of Shoreline, DogFest is Saturday, August 13 from 11 am to 3 pm at the Shoreview off-leash area, 320 NW Innis Arden Way, Shoreline WA 98177. 

Visit ShoreDog for more information.


  1. super cute poster, but I can't read the font!

  2. Here's a trick that works on my computer. Put your cursor over the poster and click once. On my computer, it opens the poster in a new window, by itself, and it's bigger.

    Then I click it again and it's huge.

    I think that the second click takes the graphic to its original size. Some of the originals are small, but many of them come to the SAN very large.

    It's quite handy when you want to read the fine print (or artistic print) on a graphic.

  3. thanks but it seems this design erred on the side of artistic and lost out on communication!

  4. This is the poster from 2011.
    Here's the link to the current article on Dog Fest 2013


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