Bust of Peruvian Admiral installed at Animal Acres Park

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Photo by Jerry Pickard
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the incorporation of the City of Lake Forest Park, Honorary Consulate Sr. Miguel Angel Velazquez of the Peruvian Embassy in Lake Forest Park has presented the City with a bronze bust of Peru's national hero, Admiral Miguel Grau Seminario as a gift from the people of Peru.

The bust has been installed in Animal Acres Park and will be formally dedicated later in the summer.

Photo by Jerry Pickard

Admiral Grau was a naval hero in the battles with Chile, and served in the Periuvian Congress.  He died in battle in 1879 at the age of 45.

The Peruvian Consulate in Lake Forest Park.
Photo by Jerry Pickard.
On June 9, the heavy bronze bust was installed on a concrete base in the park. Tom Dolan provided the expertise for making the forms and setting the bust on the column.

Installation was handled by members of the Lake Forest Park Rotary, spearheaded by Jeff Weissman of Great Harvest Bread, Fred Lupton, Tom Dolan and assisted by City staff. 


Doug Mitchell,  October 5, 2011 at 4:19 PM  

There's a Peruvian Embassy in Lake Forest Park!? Really? Where? I think you might have been given some bogus information.

Anonymous,  January 11, 2013 at 1:09 PM  

Yep, there is an honest to God Peruvian Consulate. How do I know? I live across the street from them :)

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