Guest Editorial: American Legion Commander endorses the veterans' levy out of first-hand experience

Sunday, July 31, 2011

By Thomas F. Drapac

Thomas F. Drapac is the Commander of the Starr Sutherland Jr. Post No. 227 of the American Legion, Department of Washington, located in Shoreline. He was instrumental in bringing the veterans in Shoreline together to support the new Veteran's Day observance in Shoreline.

In my opinion, the King County Veterans and Human Services Levy is one of the most successful, local, publicly funded assistance programs in the country.

This levy was of personal assistance to me in 2005-2006 and I can attest that it works.

As a Navy Vietnam (1965-69) era veteran I didn’t think anything was wrong with drinking a case of beer or more every day. I went through wives and jobs like water running over a dam. It took nearly four decades of abuse for me to hit bottom.

In 2004-2005 my Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) problems totally took over my life. To say my brain went into the “land of stupid” would be an understatement. I lost my businesses, wife, cars and property.

I discovered leather isn’t rain proof.

With the help of our VA folks and the Salvation Army William Booth Center transitional housing (supported partially by the King County levy), I am now a reliable citizen. And I try to help other veterans in need by my activity in veteran’s service organizations.

What we have in this King County veterans levy is tax dollars that are going to proven programs that work. 

Do I still have problem with this “PTSD” stuff … yes. But my coping skills are better and I’ve learned that booze and drugs aren’t the answer. Thank you for your support is what I have to say to my King County friends and fellow veterans.

Library activities for children and families in August

We are fortunate to have three good libraries in our area. All three have busy schedules of activities, particularly for families with young children. Here's what's scheduled for August 2011.

Shoreline Library, 345 NE 175th Street, Shoreline 98155, 206.362.7550

Young Toddler Story Times
Tuesday, August 2 and 9, 10:15am
Ages 12 to 24 months with adult.

Toddler Story Times
Tuesday, August 2 and 9, 11am
Ages 2 to 3 with adult.

Preschool Story Times
Wednesday, August 3 and 10, 10:30am
Ages 3 to 6 with adult.

Born to Read: Baby Story Times
Wednesday, August 3 and 10, Noon
Newborn to approximately 12 months with adult.

Music for All!
Thursday, August 4, 11am
Presented by Johnny Bregar and Friends.
Ages 3 and older with adult.
Reaching across cultural and geographic boundaries, this group brings the fun to you! From old standards to catchy new original songs, they will have you clapping and singing along.
Space is limited; first come, first seated.

Chinese Story Time
Friday, August 5, 12:30pm
Ages 3 to 6 with adult.

Spanish Story Time
Friday, August 5, 1:30pm
Ages 3 to 6 with adult.

African Mask Making
Thursday, August 11, 1pm
Presented by Victoria Reeves.
Ages 8 and older with adult.
Discover how symbolism, geometric designs, animal figures and colors are used to decorate masks. Then create your own!
Please register beginning July 28.

Super Safety Fair!
Friday, August 12, 10:30am-12:30pm
All ages welcome with adult.
Drop in for some super safety fun! Children can get a free photograph/fingerprint safety ID card, courtesy of the King County Police Union.
There will be craft and activity stations, a balloon artist and more!

Lake Forest Park Library, Lake Forest Park Towne Centre, Suite A-134, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park 98155, 206.362.8860

No children's events scheduled this month. Library is in temporary quarters across the hall during construction.

Richmond Beach Library, 19601 21st Avenue NW, Shoreline 98177, 206.546.3522

Stories Under the Tree
Monday, August 1, Noon
Children of all ages are welcome with adult.
Bring a lunch to enjoy stories and songs under the big tree in the community park near the library.
If the weather is uncooperative, this program will be held in the library meeting room.

Toddler Story Time
Thursday, August 4, 10:15am
Ages 24 to 36 months with adult.

Preschool Story Time
Thursday, August 4, 11am
Ages 3 to 6 with adult.

The Land that Rock Forgot
Friday, August 5, 1pm
Presented by Brian Waite Band.
Ages 3 and older with adult.
The band begins a quest to rebuild their sound and along the way, they rediscover the beauty of nature and meet other castaways from the far corners of the globe.

Obituary: Susan Levy Eberhart 1946-2011

A memorial service will be held in Chapman Hall, Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Church, Edmonds WA 98026 at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 6, 2011 for Susan Levy Eberhart of Shoreline. All who knew Susan are invited to attend.

Susan was born on July 6, 1946 in Seattle, Washington. She passed away on July 30, 2011 after a courageous nine year struggle with colon cancer. Susan was proud to be a third-generation Seattle native. She was the oldest of three siblings born to Edward and Betty Wile Levy. Mark Philip Levy and Paul Laurence Levy were her brothers.

Susan attended Seattle Public Schools and graduated from the University of Washington. She spent the next 36 years giving back to the district by teaching children at Kimball, McGilvra and Coe Elementary Schools. She loved the difference she made in an early learner’s life and was thrilled by the progress made over the course of a year in her classroom.

In 1967, Susan married Nicholas Aldrich, and together they had many children; one of their own and several adopted. After their divorce in 1989, she met and married fellow congregant at Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Church, Roger Eberhart, in 1992. Together they served their beloved church in a multitude of ways, and together they enjoyed time together anywhere and anytime, but most especially on road trips traveling the blue highways of America.

Susan is predeceased by her parents and her brother Paul. She is survived by her husband, Roger, her brother, Mark and his wife Marcia Sohns of Seattle, David Aldrich of Bothell; Julie Miles and her daughters Veronica and Haylee of Helena, Montana; Nika Aldrich and his son, Avery of New York City; Kate Josee and her husband, Sanjay, of Everett; step-daughter, Sarah Eberhart of Bellingham; and a niece, Lauren Levy, of Seattle and nephew, Kyle Levy of Fremont, California.

Susan’s life was rich with relationships. She leaves behind a grand circle of loving friends for whom she was a source of inspiration and a model of grace and dignity.

The family wishes to thank Group Health for its many years of compassionate care.

A Reflection of Life service will be held at Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Church on August 6, 2011 at 3:00 pm. The church is located at 8109 – 224th St SW, Edmonds. For directions, please consult their website

The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made for a memorial bench in Susan's honor on her favorite walking path at Greenlake in Seattle.

Make checks payable to:  Seattle Parks Foundation, 105 South Main Street #235, Seattle, WA 98104.  Write "Susan Eberhart bench" in the memo field on the check.

Or donate online -  click on “Donate Now”.  Write “Susan Eberhart bench” in the field that asks you what your gift is for.

Evan Smith: Shoreline Council candidates Eggen and McClelland get highest rating from Municipal League

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Two Shoreline City Council candidates, Chris Eggen and Robin McClelland have won the highest rating, “outstanding” from the Municipal League of King County.

The League gave the “outstanding” rating to one-term incumbent Councilman Eggen and gave his opponent, longtime community activist William Hubbell, its second highest rating, “Very Good.”

McClelland, a former City Planning Commission member, also got an “outstanding” rating, Her opponent, attorney Jesse Salomon, got the League’s second lowest rating, “adequate.” The two are running for the seat left open by the retirement of one-term incumbent Councilman Terry Scott.

In the third Shoreline Council contest on the November ballot, one-term incumbent Councilwoman Doris McConnell got a “good” rating, while her opponent, former Shoreline Councilwoman Janet Way was rated “adequate.”

None of the Shoreline Council candidates got the League’s lowest rating. “Not qualified.”

The non-partisan League gave its five ratings – outstanding, very good, good, adequate and not qualified – to City candidates in Bellevue, Federal Way, Redmond, Renton, Seattle and Shoreline, in the Bellevue and Seattle school districts, for King County offices and for Seattle Port Commission positions.

League ratings did not include the City of Lake Forest Park or the Shoreline School District.

Incumbent King County Elections Manager Sherrill Huff was rated “very good,” while opponent Mark Greene was rated “not qualified.”

The League rated Port Commission incumbent Bill Bryant “outstanding” and challenger Dean Willard as “Good.” Another Port incumbent, Gael Tarleton was rated “Outstanding,” while opponent Richard Pope was rated “Not Qualified.”

League ratings are based on candidates’ responses to questionnaires and League committee interviews with the candidates.

To see all League ratings and candidate responses to the questionnaires, go to their website.

A League representative said last year that the League has neither a liberal nor a conservative bias but rather a “bias for competence.”

The League web site says this: “The ratings are not endorsements. They assess each candidate's potential to be effective in office and ability to serve the community.”

Turning weeds into natural beauty

Max Herzog with his Eagle project.
Photo by Kurt Herzog.
Eagle Scout candidate Max Herzog of Shoreline Troop 853 recently completed a project in Shoreline to return a large plot of land overgrown with weeds and invasive plants back into the Northwest natural environment.

The project was completed at Richmond Beach Congregational Church United Church of Christ at 1512 Northwest 195th St, Shoreline, WA 98177. Several years ago, the church removed several trees at the request of neighbors. Since then the land had turned into a strip of weeds and invasive plant species.

In keeping with the church's mission as a steward of the natural environment, the church board wanted the land restored to its native state. Along came Max Herzog, 15, a church youth group member and a boy scout with Troop 853 in Shoreline. Max took the project on as his Eagle Scout Project.

Max started last January by taking measurements and a survey of the 3,000-square-foot site. Then Max researched what native plants might be right for the site. He also was guided by church members who were experts on native plants, Sarah Baker, director of nearby Kruckeberg Gardens and Don Norman, a local expert who owns Go Natives!, a nearby native plant nursery.

Troop 853 working the site. Photo by Kurt Herzog.
Max learned that the most environmentally friendly way to remove invasive species is the "cardboard method." This involves covering weeds with sheets of cardboard and then covering the cardboard with bark mulch or wood chips. This was important to the church because they had already worked to be designated an official Backyard Wildlife Sanctuary Program through the state. This designation requires the church to agree to use only the most environmentally friendly methods of stewardship.

Obtaining that much cardboard meant six months of Max and his dad scouring appliance stores for cardboard boxes and stockpiling 3,000 square feet of the stuff. They also carted several pickup truck loads of free woodchips from Hamlin Park. Several tree removal companies that were solicited to donate wood chips also came through.

By the project date on June 18, Max had enough materials to blanket the site.

In the meantime he had also created a 3-D model and video of the site using Google Sketchup, a free imaging program. Max presented the video, model and budget to the church board last May.

With the church's help and member donations, he was able to obtain about 75 native plants to install on the site. He made sure to leave native species already on the site such as salal, Oregon grape and red-twig dogwood. Other species he planted include: Ocean spray, Nootka Rose, Mock Orange, Tall Oregon Grape, Serviceberry, Red Stem Ceanothus, Red flowering currant, Subalpine Spiria, Snowberry, Thimbleberry, Evergreen Huckleberry, Salmonberry, Sword Fern, lace fern, Kinnikinnik (Bearberry), Sea Pink (Thrift), Beach Strawberry.

All plants are labeled to be used as a method to educate other Troop 853 scouts about native plants, a requirement for scouts to obtain their second class scout badge.

On the big project day the scouts of Troop 853 planted the native plants and then carefully laid cardboard around the plants and then covered that with the woodchips. By the end of the day 22 scouts, adults and church members had worked a combined total of 112 hours on the project.

Since then, Max -- and other church members -- have been watering the site until the plants are well-established. Max says, "Feel free to come by and check it out."

--Scoutmaster, Troop 853

Shoreline City Council Recap for June and July 2011

From the Office of the Shoreline City Manager

On July 25, 2011, the Shoreline City Council adopted the Town Center Subarea Plan and Development Code identifying the lands along Aurora Avenue N between N 170th and N 188th Streets between Linden and Stone Avenues as the core of an emerging Town Center. With good transit services along Aurora, the Town Center capitalizes on its central location in Shoreline and its “close-in” regional location as a focal point for much of the City’s future commercial and residential growth.

The Town Center area will encourage redevelopment that connects, respects and protects the single family neighborhoods that adjoin the District immediately to the east and west. Design standards will greatly improve the area’s attractiveness and encourage people to gather, walk and shop. This includes ample sidewalks, plazas, storefronts and green spaces.

Town Center is envisioned to be a neighborhood for the whole City.

Below is a recap of the Shoreline City Council’s work for the months of June and July:

  • 2012-2017 Capital Improvement Plan
  • Amendments to the Fee Schedule and the Shoreline Municipal Code (SMC) regarding the use of Shoreline facilities
  • New franchise agreement between City and Seattle Public Utilities for water service in Shoreline
  • Update to Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan
  • Animal control services update
  • Town Center Subarea Plan
  • Park at Town Center Master Plan
  • Town Center development regulations
  • Transportation Master Plan-Bicycle Plan, Pedestrian Plan, Transit Plan, Master Street Plan and Sustainability Procedures

Public Hearings
  • 2012-2017 Capital Improvement Plan
  • 2012-2017 Transportation Improvement Program
  • Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan

Action Taken
  • Adopted Ordinance 602 amending the Fee Schedule and the SMC regarding the use of Shoreline facilities
  • Appointed the Special Member to the Shoreline Landmarks and Heritage Commission, which is operated by the King County Landmarks and Heritage Commission
  • Appointed the first youth members to the Shoreline Library Board
  • Adopted the 2011-2012 Planning Commission Work Plan
  • Adopted Ordinance 606 approving a new franchise agreement with Seattle Public Utilities for water service in Shoreline
  • Approved Neighborhood Mini-Grant for Richmond Highlands Neighborhood Association
  • Approved Resolution No. 314 amending the City’s Employee Handbook regarding the City’s layoff policy
  • Adopted Ordinance 607 adopting the 2012-2017 Capital Improvement Plan
  • Approved Resolution No 315 adopting 2012-2017 Transportation Improvement Program
  • Authorized City Manager to enter into an enhanced animal control services interlocal agreement with Regional Animal Services of King County
  • Authorize City Manager to obligate $6,357,839 of Washington State DOT Regional Mobility Grant funds for the Aurora Corridor Project
  • Adopted Ordinance 611 to establish a moratorium on collective medicinal marijuana gardens and establish interim regulations
  • Authorized City Manager to obligate $385,000 of Safe Routes to School Grant funds for the Briarcrest Safe Routes Project
  • Approved Resolution No. 316 adopting 2011-2016 PROS Plan
  • Adopted Ordinance 609 amending the Comprehensive Plan by adding the Town Center Subarea Plan and amending the City’s Development Code with the Town Center District Development Regulations

For more information on the items outlined above and to obtain the most updated agenda for City Council meetings, go to the Council webpage  For information about the City of Shoreline in general, go to the City webpage

Weekend Watercolors for Beginners with Charlene Collins Freeman

Watercolor classes on Sundays August 7 and August 21, 10am to 12:30pm, $25 per workshop, at The Living Room, 6524 NE 181st, Suite 10, Kenmore, WA 98028

Come and learn the nuts and bolts of watercolor painting. We will learn about watercolor paper, paints, brushes, where to buy supplies, values, drawing and more in a fun, nurturing atmosphere.

A step by step introduction to the magic of watercolor. Learn to see like an artist, develop basic drawing and brushstroke skills, learn the value of light and shadow to add drama to your paintings and how to enjoy the process.

This class is for beginners, artists new to watercolors or those who want a good refresher course. Our setting is an eclectic and interesting consignment store so we'll have plenty to chose from for our still lifes.

Register online,  Click on "Classes and Workshops."

Shoreline Planning Commission meeting cancelled

The August 4, 2011 Shoreline Planning Commission Meeting has been cancelled.

2011 Shoreline Planning Commission
Photo courtesy City of Shoreline

About the Planning Commission
The Planning Commission consists of seven Shoreline residents and/or property owners appointed by the City Council to address land use and planning issues.

Meetings are generally held the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at the Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Avenue N.

The Planning Commission provides regular opportunities for the public to comment on matters of interest at each meeting.

Planning Commission
  • Chair Michelle Linders Wagner
  • Vice Chair Ben Perkowski
  • John Behrens
  • Michael Broili
  • Cynthia Esselman
  • Janne Kaje
  • Donna Moss

Carbon Monoxide - The Silent Killer

Safety Tip from Shoreline Fire

Creeping silently through your home, there's a killer that gives no warning. This killer is carbon monoxide. An invisible and odorless gas, carbon monoxide (CO) is produced when burning any fuel, such as gasoline, propane, natural gas, oil, wood, or charcoal. It is a silent killer, which causes illness by decreasing the amount of oxygen present in the body.

Young children are especially vulnerable to the effects of carbon monoxide, because of their smaller bodies. Children process carbon monoxide differently than adults, may be more severely affected by it, and may show symptoms sooner.

You won't know that you have a carbon monoxide leak, without a working detector. If you burn any fuels for heat or cooking, be sure that you have a working carbon monoxide detector and deter this silent killer.

Follow some simple safety tips to help protect your family.

Know the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.
The most common symptoms include headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and confusion. In severe cases, the person may lose consciousness or die. CO poisoning can often be mistaken for other illnesses, such as the flu. Often, more than one person in the household will suffer symptoms at the same time.

To decrease risk of CO poisoning the following tips are recommended:
  • Install a CO alarm outside every sleeping area and on every level of your home. 
  • Place CO alarms at least 15 feet away from every fuel-burning appliance to reduce the number of nuisance alarms. 
  • Test alarms every month and replace them every five years. 
  • Make sure alarms can be heard when you test them and practice an escape plan with your entire family. 
  • Have all gas, oil or coal burning appliances inspected by a technician every year to ensure they are working correctly and are properly ventilated. 
  • Never use a stove for heating. 
  • Do not use a grill, generator or camping stove inside your home, garage or near a window. 
  • Never leave a car, SUV, or motorcycle engine running inside a garage, even if the garage door is open. 
  • CO can accumulate anywhere in or around your boat, so install a CO alarm on your motorboat. 
If your CO alarm goes off, follow these steps:
  • Get everyone out of the house as quickly as possible into fresh air. Then call for help from a neighbor’s home or a cell phone outside of your home. 
  • If someone is experiencing CO poisoning symptoms, call 911 for medical attention. 
  • If no one is experiencing symptoms, call the fire department. They will let you know when it is safe to re-enter your home. 

Shoreline PTA needs underwear and socks for the 1200 children expected at the Back to School event

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Works, the PTA clothing room for children in poverty who attend Shoreline Schools, needs donations of underwear and socks for their portion of the Back To School event on August 27.

One of four children in Shoreline Schools lives at or below the poverty line. Their families are struggling financially and outfitting children for school is a daunting task - even for the basics.

The Works has clothing and outerwear, but they only give new socks and new underwear.

All the PTAs in Shoreline Schools contribute financially to The Works. However, with 1200 children expected this year, they need help from the community.

The specific list is below - or you can just go to the store and get a pack of socks or underwear in children's sizes.

Donations can be dropped off at The WORKS portable at North City Elementary, 816 NE 190th Street, Shoreline any Wednesday evening in August from 5:30 to 8:00 pm, when the volunteers are there, or sooner by emailing or phoning Lisa Sharratt 206-369-5548.

The portables are at the west end of the school. There are signs.

Girls Underwear
8 69
12 105
7 55
8 18
Girls Socks
6 to 9 118
9 to 2 247
4 to 10 549
Boys Underwear
4 57
6 113
8 178
10 129
12 190

6 to 8 235
10 to 12 109
14 to 16 243
18 to 20 72
30 to 32 145
Boys Socks
6 to 9 124
9 to 2 338
3 to 9 58
large 665

City of Shoreline Aurora Corridor Projects - Marshbank, Johansen

N 165th - N 185th Streets, Marshbank Construction
This week, crews will:
  • Continue final paving activities at night on Aurora. During paving work through the intersections of N 175th Street/Aurora and N 185th Street/Aurora, eastbound and westbound travel across Aurora will be fully closed. One intersection will be impacted at a time; signage will be used to notify drivers of these closures.
  • Cut and excavate the new asphalt roadway at N 180th and N 185th Streets in preparation for constructing new crosswalks.
  • Grading and pouring sidewalks and driveways on N 185th Street east and west of Aurora. Traffic may be reduced to one lane in the westbound and/or eastbound direction.
  • Construct driveways on N 175th Street west of Aurora. Traffic may be reduced in the westbound direction to a single lane.
  • Continue converting electrical, phone and communications services to new underground systems and removing old overhead lines and poles.
  • Continue landscaping along Aurora and adjusting stormwater grates and other features to ensure a smooth transition to the new pavement. A single north and southbound lane on Aurora may be intermittently closed.

N 185th - N 192nd Streets, Johansen Excavating
This week, crews will:
  • Continue controlling the intersection of Aurora and N 192nd Street with uniformed police officers as needed. Officers may at times prohibit left turns onto N 192nd Street due to significant backups on Aurora or for safety concerns.
  • Continue pouring concrete bus pads, curbs and sidewalks on the west side of Aurora. This work will take several weeks to complete
  • Continue construction activities near the Shoreline Park & Ride, including construction of the new Rain Garden Plaza. Work near the park and ride lot will continue through early 2012.

City of Shoreline, 206-801-2485, or email

Third Place Commons Community Calendar - August 2011

Third Place Commons is located on the upper level of the Lake Forest Park Towne Centre, in the same building as Third Place Books. Towne Centre is located at the intersection of Ballinger Way NE and Bothell Way.

August 2011

League of Women Voters Primary Forum 7:30-9pm
Monday, August 1
The League of Women Voters sponsors a forum for candidates running in the Lake Forest Park Mayoral Primary.

Playtime! 10am-11:30am
Wednesday, August 3,10
Join other parents, grandparents, and caregivers with children ages birth to 5 in front of the stage for art, games, and conversation, sponsored and led by the Shoreline Family Support Center.

A Memoir of Vietnam 7-8 pm
Thursday, August 4
Son Michael Pham, founder of Kids Without Borders, left Vietnam on the final day of the war and came to the U.S as a refugee. As part of the Lake Forest Park Read’s program, he will share his memories of his native country, and the ongoing legacy of the war.

Stories of Lake Forest Park 1- 2 pm
Saturday, August 6
Celebrate Lake Forest Park with an informative, interactive presentation given by Linda Kraus, M.A. Share your stories, learn how to preserve your family history, have some fun!

Knit In at the Farmers Market 11am-4pm
Sunday, August 7
The Market goes to the sheep! Bring your projects, and enjoy time with friends in the community tent. Alpaca farmer and fiber artist Pam Wilmot joins in the fun with a few representatives of her herd.

Melody Institute Chinese Dance 4-5pm
Saturday, August 27
The Third Place stage comes alive with bright colors and sounds as students of all ages perform folk, traditional, and ethnic dances from China.

Hey Patches Pals - JP will be at the Classic Car Show on Sunday

Shoreline Classic Car Show volunteer Diane Jacobson poses with J P Patches at the 2010 event.  J P will be back again this year, greeting Patches Pals on Sunday, July 31, 2011 at Meridian Park Elementary, 17077 Meridian Ave N, Shoreline WA 98133.

The show will run from 10 am to 3 pm.  Admission is free. 

Over 300 cars are expected and the Fabulous Hammers will play. 

Vendor booths will sell a variety of car and food items.  The show is an officially sanctioned SeaFair event.

Proceeds will benefit Meridian Park Elementary School.

Aggressive coyotes in LFP killed by government agents; packed council meeting hears from agents and citizens

Coyote photo from Wikimedia Commons
Over 60 people overflowed the small council chambers at Lake Forest Park on Thursday evening, July 28, 2011, for the council session on the recent killing of three coyotes in the city by agents from the Department of Agriculture.

A family in Lake Forest Park has kept sheep for over 25 years. The sheep graze on their lawn and on neighbors' property along the quiet street. Some people in the neighborhood have been concerned for the safety of the sheep because of the increasingly aggressive behavior of the local coyotes. The sheep owner dismissed their fears because of his long history of keeping sheep and because sheep are bigger than coyotes and he thought they could defend themselves.

On July 18, 2011, the largest ram, "Big Boy," was found dead. The owner called the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and they brought in the United States Department of Agriculture. An autopsy performed on the sheep determined that it had been killed by several coyotes.

According to Kim Chandler, of the Mill Creek office of Fish and Wildlife, when wild animals commit depredations like this, by policy, that is an automatic death sentence. He brought in Matt Stevens, an agent for USDA, who is trained to track and kill or scare coyotes. The USDA requires payment for these services, so several neighbors on the street shared the costs.

Three coyotes killed
Stevens was in the neighborhood from the 18th to the 28th. During that time he checked in and out with the LFP Police, to advise them he was in the neighborhood and would be firing a gun. He shot three coyotes from the pack of six - both parents and one juvenile. He spent time scaring the other juveniles by shining spotlights on them and chasing them. He feels very comfortable that he has taught them to be wary of humans and they will not be a problem as long as humans leave them alone.

Someone is feeding the coyotes
Other than inadvertent feeding of coyotes, someone complicated the situation by dropping large quantities of dog food by the side of the road where the coyotes were active. This kept the pack close to where the food was on the road, and very close to homes. "When we did the autopsy on the alpha male, his stomach was full of dog food," said Stevens.
"Coyotes can fend for themselves," said Stevens.  "If you feed them you will keep them close to humans, decrease their fear of humans, and teach them that humans are a food source.  If you feed them, we will eventually have to kill them."
Several dozen people made comments.  All expressed regret that the sheep died and that the coyotes were killed.  Several commented that the coyotes were just being coyotes and blamed the sheep owner for not having a barn or safe place for his sheep at night.  Several people said they had never had problems with coyotes.  

People who lived on the street told stories about an increasingly aggressive pack, who had begun to stalk dogs on leash and small children in yards near the woods.  

Some were horrified that men with guns were in their neighborhood at night, firing bullets, and the residents were not warned.

Many talked about the need to educate residents on how to live safely with coyotes and other wild life in the area, and the importance of not providing food sources for wild animals, either inadvertent or deliberate.

The future
Judging by comments from City Council members, the council may be considering ordinances regarding providing food sources for wild animals in the City.  

"We worked with the legislature for three years to try to pass legislation prohibiting the feeding of wild animals," said Kim Chandler, "but they were busy with other issues.  Lake Forest Park can be the model for the state."

Only rain down the drain - LFP has volunteer opportunities for storm drain labeling

Friday, July 29, 2011

Label on storm drain. Photo by Lauren Broudy.
In an effort to curb storm water pollution, the City of Lake Forest Park is taking new actions in and around town.

At the Anniversary Party on Sunday, June 19, you may have noticed little white storm drain labels being promoted at the City's booth. 

This program, which will encourage residents to go out into their neighborhoods and label storm drains, aims to foster awareness that whatever goes down the storm drain goes directly into our water systems.

Mayor Dave leads the way.
photo by Lauren Broudy
In addition to storm drain labeling, the City is trying to spread awareness through an even broader campaign. Now seen on the Public Works Fleet, "only rain down the drain" vehicle magnets have been created to remind and encourage us all to keep our water systems clean.

If you're interested in signing up for the storm drain labeling program and winning prizes for your efforts, email or phone Lauren Broudy, Environmental Programs Intern, 206-368-5440. 
This is a great way to help your City, protect your watershed, and build relationships within your community.

Shoreline man dies in bicycle - car hit and run in Seattle

Michael Wang of Shoreline died Friday after he was hit by an SUV while commuting home from work by bicycle on Thursday afternoon, July 28, 2011.

He was on Dexter Avenue North in the South Lake Union neighborhood, when he was hit by an SUV making a left turn onto Thomas Street. The driver of the SUV fled the scene.

Wang was a long-time bicycle commuter and was on one of the busiest bike corridors.

He worked for PATH, a social services agency, and was a gifted photographer.

From our News Partner, The Seattle Times:

At the accident scene Friday, mourners brought bouquets and notes. They put them at the base of a nearby sign. 
"Thanks for being such a good friend," said one note. "I'll miss our runs to the I.D. for 'Blue Collar' Taiwanese lunch. I'll miss your tips for kids and family life and most of all your talents as a true artist and photographer." 
A "ghost" bicycle, one painted all in white, was placed at the site, too, with a sign attached that read: "A cyclist died here.
Wang was born in Taiwan and moved to New York City at age 9. When he was 17, his mother disappeared, said Wang's wife Claire Allen. Wang's father was so distraught that he left, leaving Wang to finish high school on his own. 
Wang discovered his love of photography while in community college. He began doing magazine and commercial work, but, Allen said, "what he really loved to do was portraits." 
Allen described her husband as unpretentious and thoughtful. 
"This was the happiest time of Michael's life," she said. "He loved being a father. He had come to some peace with the difficulty of his past." 

Wang and Allen have two children: Walter, 12, and Sylvie, 9.  They live in the North City neighborhood of Shoreline.

Evan Smith: Ballot drop boxes now open at LFP Towne Centre, 10 other King County sites

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

A 24-hour ballot drop box is now open at the Lake Forest Park Towne Centre, lower level, one of 11 ballot-drop sites around King County.

Voters can leave their completed primary-election ballots at the LFP drop box or the 10 others around the County until 8 pm Election Day, Tuesday, August 16.

Ballot drop boxes in Seattle are located at the Ballard Library, the King County Administration Building and at Magnuson Park.

Other drop boxes are in Bellevue, Federal Way, Issaquah, Kent, Kirkland, Maple Valley and Renton. 

Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by August 16.

Any voter may vote in person at the accessible voting machine at the County elections office in Renton from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday through August 15 and from 7 am through 8 pm Election Day, Tuesday, August 16. 

Other machines will be open from 10 am to 5 pm Monday, August 15 and 7 am to 8 pm Tuesday, August 16 at the Bellevue City Hall and at the Seattle Union Station. 

Destinations: Brigadoon opens at the Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater

The Snoqualmie Falls Forest Theater becomes Brigadoon, the mythical Scottish village that comes to life only one day each century. The lush greenery and deep woods location of the theatre provide an ideal stage setting for Lerner and Loewe's classic musical.

Known for its colorful pageantry, swinging kilts, bonnie lasses, bagpipes, and Highland flings, it tells the story of two American travelers who stumble upon the quaint little town just as a wedding is about to start, bringing romantic and other more serious complications. The hauntingly beautiful score features such standards as, "Almost Like Being in Love."

Performances continue Saturdays at 2 and 7 pm, Sundays at 2 pm through August 28, 2011.  Order tickets on the web page. A limited number of show tickets are usually also available on show day at the box office, but reservations are strongly recommended.

They sell barbeque dinners, with some vegetarian entrees, right on site. It is necessary to reserve in advance - they rarely have leftovers.

The theatre is in a beautiful location in the woods at 36800 SE David Powell Road, Fall City, Washington

Box office: 425-736-7252

Shoreline Schools supplemental levy to support class size will appear on November ballot

The Shoreline School Board approved a resolution at its July 27 meeting placing a supplemental levy proposal to support class size in response to state budget reductions on the November 8, 2011 general election ballot.

The decision to place the supplemental levy on the ballot comes in the wake of the planned cuts to basic education in Shoreline of approximately $6.2 million annually.

Included in these cuts is $4.3 million in voter approved I-728 dollars used for class-size reduction, professional development of staff and extended learning opportunities for struggling students. Another $1.1 million in funding was cut in class-size reduction in grades K-4, funding which has been in place for more than 20 years. Finally, more than $770,000 was reduced in other areas, including salary compensation.

The impact of these reductions is magnified by the loss of federal stimulus funds for special education and Title I programs. In addition, the state has raised the retirement and health care costs to the District by approximately $865,000 over the next two years.

Even after having to supplement K-4 class size funding by using $600,000 in reserve funds this year, the District believes that it can sustain the current class size model for 2011-12. However, by 2012-13 more revenue would be required to maintain the current classroom staffing model.

Passage of Proposition No. 1 would allow the levy of $1.3 million of property taxes in 2012, the levy of $1.4 million in 2013, and $1.5 million in 2014. If authorized by the voters and based upon current assessed valuation information, the estimated levy rates per $1,000 of assessed value would be $0.09 in 2012; $0.09 in 2013 and $0.10 in 2014.

The measure would require a simple majority for passage. Current estimates suggest that such a measure would increase rates about $36 a year for a home valued at $400,000. Voters in the neighboring districts of Edmonds, Northshore and Seattle have approved similar supplemental levy measures in the past year.

--Shoreline School District

Positions available on pro/con committees for supplemental levy

As Shoreline School District Proposition No. 1 is on the general election ballot, (see related story) the measure is automatically included in the local voters pamphlet published by King County.

The District has written an Explanatory Statement for the voters pamphlet.

Passage of Proposition No. 1 would allow the levy of $1,300,00 of property taxes within the Shoreline School District for collection in 2012, the levy of $1,400,000 of taxes for collection in 2013, and the levy of $1,500,000 in taxes for 2014. The purpose of the levy is to support class size in response to State budget reductions. This supplemental levy is in addition to the maintenance and operation levy, approved by the voters in the February 2010 election, on all taxable property within the District. The taxes approved by this proposition would be deposited in the Shoreline School District's General Fund and expended to support class size. If authorized by the voters and based upon current assessed valuation information, the estimated levy rates per $1,000 of assessed value would be $0.09 (2012 collection); $0.09 (2013 collection) and $0.10 (2014 collection).

The District must appoint members to pro and con committees who are willing to write statements for the voters' pamphlet. There is a limit of three members per committee but committees may seek advice of any person or persons. The pro and con committees will agree to submit statements in favor of an in opposition to the ballot measure for the local voters pamphlet.

They are responsible for submitting the pro/con statement and rebuttal statement, following all guidelines, to King County elections by the appropriate deadline.

If you would like to be considered to serve on the pro or con committee regarding Shoreline School District Proposition No. 1, please send a letter of interest to Craig Degginger, Public Information Officer, Shoreline School District, 18560 1st Ave. N.E., Shoreline, WA 98155, or email by no later than 5 p.m. Friday, August 5, 2011.

--Shoreline Schools
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