Shoreline pledges to sign King County-Cities Climate Collaboration Pledge

Monday, June 6, 2011

From the Office of the Shoreline City Manager

Shoreline is committing to working with King County and other cities in new ways on climate change solutions.

Shoreline, along with the cities of Redmond, Renton and Snoqualmie, is making an early pledge to join the County in participating in the “King County-Cities Climate Collaboration,” a new effort open to all King County cities. The commitment means the parties will work together to enhance a broad range of local sustainability efforts such as green building programs, using and producing renewable energy, sustainability outreach and education, and alternative transportation projects.

The pledge builds on multiple related efforts, including the work done through the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement and programs offered through ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability.

However, unlike other efforts, the King County-Cities Climate Collaboration is the only locally focused initiative. By working together, King County cities expect staff to leverage scarce resources to enhance progress on addressing climate change and creating sustainable, prosperous communities.

The kickoff to the inspirational pledge campaign is set for June 9 from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Federal Way City Hall, as part of the June Sustainable Cities Roundtable.

For details about the June 9th event, see the King County webpage.


Anonymous,  June 7, 2011 at 6:49 AM  

Let's be clear, the Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement was originally was originally brought to the Council and passed by four visionary councilmembers. They were, Janet Way, Cindy Ryu, Maggie Fimia and Mayor Bob Ransom.

The current Mayor, Keith McGlashan vote AGAINST it back then.

So, I guess he's finally seen the light?
Glad to see the council is getting with it.

Truth Squad.

A Truer Truth,  June 7, 2011 at 8:54 AM  

Dear Anon @ 6:49,

Actually, "Truth Squad", the vote was 7 to 1 on April 24, 2006. The 1 dissenting vote was was Ron Hansen. Keith McGlashan voted in favor.

Be sure you check your facts before you spout nasty things about other people.

A Truer Truth Squad

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