Evan Smith: King County Democrats endorse Salomon for Shoreline Council

Thursday, June 2, 2011

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Shoreline City Council candidate Jesse Salomon has won the endorsement of the King County Democratic Central Committee.

Salomon announced the endorsement in a press release May 25.

The 32nd Legislative District Democratic organization had endorsed Salomon April 13.

Salomon is a public defender employed by a non-profit legal-aid organization to defend homeless and other needy misdemeanor defendants in the Seattle Municipal Court.

He plans to run against former Shoreline Planning Commissioner Robin McClelland for the position that Councilman Terry Scott has held for four years.

Scott announced in late March that he would not seek a second term.

Both McClelland and Salomon have registered as candidates with the State Public Disclosure Commission, a step that allows them to raise and spend money for the August 16 primary and November 8 general election. Salomon has reported raising $20,410 and spending $7,105. McClelland has yet to report any money raised or spent.

Salomon said that the amount reported includes almost $6,000 in contributions and $15,000 of his own money. He said that he has door-belled about 1,600 homes throughout Shoreline and continues to talk to voters.

Candidates file for ballot positions June 6-10 either on line or in person at the County elections office in Tukwila. Candidates have been able to file by mail since May 20.

In a press release announcing the endorsement, Salomon said this:
“I am humbled by King County Democrats’ recognition that I am the candidate that will best promote the values we share and that I have the experience to get it done and keep Shoreline moving forward.
“I will fight hard to preserve Shoreline’s quality of life. I know that we need to be good environmental stewards by planning for smart growth and development that makes sense for our unique neighborhoods and families.
“I value safe communities. After losing my mother in a traffic accident, the need to ensure traffic safety became a personal, not just political, issue for me. I will fight for more sidewalks, street-lighting, and police officers to keep our families safe.”

In the press release, Salomon said that he believes city government needs to be accountable for how it spends taxpayer dollars.

He said that he would work to make sure that the tax money that voters approved last fall is spent on direct services to prevent crime and help those in need, with vital city services, not on bureaucracy and waste.

Salomon, a member of the Ridgecrest Neighborhood Association board, said that information about the endorsement is available here.

He added, “I am proud to know that with this endorsement I have gained a vote of confidence that I will bring new leadership to keep Shoreline moving forward."“

Salomon also lists these endorsements: King County Councilman Bob Ferguson, King County Assessor Lloyd Hara, State Sen. Maralyn Chase, State Rep. Cindy Ryu, former State Sen. Donn Charnley, former State Rep.. Nancy Rust, Shoreline City Councilman Chris Eggen, Shoreline Councilman Chris Roberts and former Shoreline Councilwoman Janet Way.


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