Windermere Real Estate/Shoreline contributes to Jacob’s Well - and you can too

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gary Alston presents Windermere check to Susan Camerer
Gary Alston, owner of Windermere Real Estate Shoreline, recently presented a donation to Susan Camerer, founder and CEO of Jacob’s Well. The funds came from the Windermere Foundation, with the donation being coordinated by Nancy Crim, a Windermere Real Estate/Shoreline broker. 

Jacob's Well, a home for homeless women and children, is located in north Shoreline and is being built entirely with donated funds and volunteer labor.  Vision House, the parent organization, was founded by Susan and John Camerer 20 years ago.  The non-profit has a 100% success rate in moving their families to private housing following the stay at Vision House.  Jacob’s Well, the northern facility, will have 20 apartments plus onsite child care, family counseling and children’s play space. Many local service clubs, churches and individuals are helping meet the needs of homeless women and children.

Susan Camerer commented:
"Even when times are tough, Windermere is still so incredibly generous! We are amazed at their compassion and concern for the homeless moms and kids in our community and we are grateful for their support of the Vision House Jacob’s Well complex. Since we are at the stage of purchasing doors, I relate amounts that come in to how many doors we can purchase! So their $800 check will help to purchase about three doors and the security hardware!"

Windermere joins a long list of local organizations and volunteers who are helping to support the construction of Jacob's Well. If you would like to be involved (or contribute a door), opportunities may include: preparing an apartment for a homeless family, helping with landscaping and maintenance, tutoring a Vision House child, providing lunches to construction workers, assisting with events, and much more. You can also make a financial donation to help provide shelter and services for a homeless family. 
Find out how you can help here.


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