Richmond Beach Blood Drive calls for first timers to help set a new record

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Saving lives by giving blood.  Photo courtesy PSBC.
By Tom Petersen

This Saturday’s Puget Sound Blood Center event in Richmond Beach is aiming to break the record of 30 participants, set last year. The neighborhood goal is to increase the donor pool by encouraging first-time donors, so getting some “new blood” will help set a new mark.

Donations can be made between 10 am and 4 pm. The bloodmobile will be parked in front of the Fire Safety Center at the corner of Richmond Beach Road and 20th Ave NW, and walk-ups are welcome, but with a large number of donors expected, appointments are encouraged.

Appointments can be made online or by calling 1-800-398-7888. Regular donors can refer a friend. Donors can sign up for e-mail reminders, which has been a very successful in getting people to make donating blood a habit.

Each pint of blood can be divided among as many as three patients. Thirty one donors could save nearly 100 lives – accident victims, people needing operations, and people with chronic illnesses. The May 7 event in Richmond Beach is on the leading edge of the summer season, when blood stocks are often depleted.

The Bloodmobile.  Photo courtesy PSBC.
The Puget Sound Blood Center is also one of the nation’s leading blood research organizations, with samples being tested and examined to better understand and treat blood-related illnesses, communicable diseases, and general health.

Any adult (and youths over 16, with parental permission) is eligible to donate blood, as long as s/he weighs 110 pounds and is in good health. A visit to the bloodmobile takes about 45 minutes total, from interview to free snacks and juice.


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