Diggin' Shoreline: Building community through gardens

Thursday, May 5, 2011

“…Because you can’t make a community garden by your self.”
Ballinger Gardens. Photo by Afia Menke.
That’s what 11 year old, life-long gardener Zeth Peterka says, and so says our civically-minded Diggin’ Shoreline (formerly Shoreline Community Garden Group.)

Diggin’ Shoreline is your local, grass roots gardening resource.

We are a non-profit with a wealth of skills and knowledge that range from master gardeners and permaculturalists to educators and long-time garden hobbyists.

Peterka family at Ballinger opening.
Photo by Afia Menke.
We want you to have fun together, practicing healthy gardening and learning about sustainable garden design. This way you too can build community, support local food production and enhance our habitat.
Ballinger Neighborhood Community Garden was our pilot project. Now Diggin’ Shoreline is growing. We are looking for future garden sites and related projects, developing educational programs, organizing resources networks and fostering more partnerships.

Organic, heirloom tomatoes.
Photo by Afia Menke.
Do you want to garden with us? Maybe you don’t garden but you have computer skills or teaching skills you would like to share. 

We meet each month on the fourth Tuesday at 6:30 pm, Shoreline City Hall Room 301. Everyone is welcome. Diggin’ Shoreline wishes to invite you to co-imagine organic, sustainable gardening with us.

Please come and share your knowledge and skills. You can support building community through gardens,
“because you can’t make a community garden by your self.”
--Jan Stewart and Afia Menke  Contact us. 


Jan Stewart,  May 6, 2011 at 5:39 PM  

The "contact us" link does not work here.

To contact Diggin' Shoreline, please email to shorelinegardens@gmail.com

Anonymous,  May 6, 2011 at 5:51 PM  

Works for me.

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