32nd District Democrats monthly meeting Wednesday, May 11

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The 32nd District Democrats meet on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at the Richmond Masonic Hall, 753 N 185th St, Shoreline (map)

7:00 pm  Meeting Called to Order
7:15 pm  Program: 
  • 32nd LD Representatives to recap the 2011 session (depending on Legisative Special Session schedule)
  • Emergency Preparedness - what you can do at home 
8:15 pm Endorsements Considered:

  • Richard Mitchell, King County Council Pos #6
  • John Creighton, King County Council Pos #6
8:35 pm Business Meeting, Committee Reports
              Unfinished Business - New Business - Good of the Order
9:00 pm Adjourn

Members are reminded to renew their membership by May 11 to be eligible to vote at the June 8 Endorsement meeting. 


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