Poem: A Lot to live for: a life in service to others

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bob Barta is a well-known volunteer who does, indeed, live his life in service to others.

“A Lot To Live For: A Life In Service To Others” ©2009 by Robert J. Barta

Hello Mr. farmer,
there you go tilling your fields to and fro,

Day by day and year after year you have patiently
endured the strain of the Sun, the wind and the rain,
so that others could benefit from the fruits of your grains.

Would you please explain to me Mr. farmer, what is the redeeming value
of the strain you patiently endured from the sun, the wind, and the rain?

Come sit and listen said he.

As the years have gone by, I have come to realize that neither money, social status,
nor the honors bestowed upon me, defined me or fulfilled me, it was the day-by-day
joy and pride I experienced in being of service to others.

Said he, my friend, I urge you to go through each day with this question in mind:
Just for today, just for right now, how can I serve and whom can I serve?
In addition, be aware in what way do they wish to be served?

Each day as you retire, think about and experience the joy and the pride in the special
ways that you have been of service to others; in turn, think about how others are
serving you and graciously be thankful to them at every opportunity.

In addition, the truth is, life and living is not about what others can do for you,
life and living is about the redeeming value of service to others.

And now you know why, day by day, and year after year, I have patiently
endured the heat of the sun, the bite of the wind, and the chill of the rain.

As he went on his way said I, thank you Mr. farmer for
explaining to me that the redeeming value of enduring our
day-by-day stresses and strains lead to joy
and pride as we live our life in service to others.

A life in service to others nurtures courage,
sustains hope, maintains pride and belief in oneself.
Indeed we have a lot to live for
when we live our lives in service to others.

“The best way to know who you are and what you are is to/
lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mahatma Gandhi

“ I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know,
the only ones who will be really happy are
those who have sought and found how to serve.” -Albert Schweitzer.

“What we do for ourselves dies with us.
What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal”. Albert Pine. 1851


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