Photo by Steven H. Robinson |
by Diane Hettrick - categories are mine - reports are police - who could make this stuff up?
A bad week for Domestic Violence - harassment, slapping, strangling, Black Magic and murder for hire
01-14...14817 Aurora, Rodeway Inn. Domestic violence call.
01-17...11xx NE 185. Couple married 13 years, two children under five. He's unemployed and she just found out she's pregnant. Got into an argument. Husband moved wife after she blocked the bedroom doorway with her body.
01-17...203xx Dayton N. Woman received two missed calls and three text messages from ex-boyfriend.
01-18...13xx N 175. Woman left home to report that her husband strangled her ten days prior.
01-19...155xx Dayton N. Argument between boyfriend and girlfriend. Boyfriend was slapped across face.
01-19...195xx 7 NE. Black Magic blamed as reason for wife's infidelity. Murder for hire plot is threatened.
01-19...1xx N 203. Police dispatched on domestic violence call. All participants drunk, no evidence of crime. Arrested one woman on misdemeanor warrants.
01-20...171xx 15 NE, apartments. Husband and wife fight and he slaps her around.
01-22...163xx Densmore N. 911 hang up call, involved party in disturbance has misdemeanor warrant and was arrested.
01-22...190xx Meridian N. Husband and wife, married six years, two children. Got in argument and one scratched and slapped the other.
Nabbed from the streets - driving with suspended/revoked license
01-13...N 200/Aurora. 01-19...169xx Dayton. 01-20...N 185/1 NE. License suspended. Driver didn't know. 01-21...175xx 12 NE. 01-21...182xx Aurora.
Nabbed from the streets, part II
01-22...600 N 160. Driver has 2 misdemeanor warrants from Seattle.
01-21...NE 170/15 NE. License revoked 2nd degree. Booked into Snohomish County jail, vehicle impounded.
Nabbed from the streets, part III Driving While Stoned
01-14...N 155/Aurora. License revoked. Also marijuana and pipe.
01-15...NE 200/25 NE. Woman backed into road sign. When contacted she had a pipe filled with marijuana on the dash of her car.
Hand over your drugs! Uh, ok.
01-16...19527 Aurora, Days Inn. Arrested on warrant. Meth and marijuana found on person.
01-19...N 175/Aurora. Man caught urinating in public place. When contacted, volunteered marijuana.
Caught some of the shoplifters this week - handguns and cross-dressers
01-16...1345 N 205, Office Max. Employee noticed that shopper had a bulge under his coat. Shopper took off running and tripped the door alarm (signifying unpaid items).
01-18...14500 15 NE, Goodwill. Shoplifter caught.
01-18...20036 Ballinger Way, Thriftway. Known shoplifter hit them again and got away. Description: mixed race male, possibly dressing as a woman, 20's, 5'10" with black hair, wearing black hooded sweatshirt, long dark jeans, and carrying a black puma bag with pink writing.
01-19...15711 Aurora, Sears. Caught a shoplifter.
01-20...15332 Aurora, Safeway. Caught guy who shoplifted food. During arrest, a handgun fell from suspect's pants.
01-21...18325 Aurora, Fred Meyer. Shoplifted one bottle of beer.
The full moon was February 18
01-17...2xx N 185. Victim bi-polar and off meds. Involuntary commitment to Northwest Hospital.
01-19...Metro North Base. Former friend may be having mental health issues. victim was attacked while arriving at his job after a business dispute with the former friend.
01-20...15332 Aurora, Safeway. Man Trespassed from Safeway. Had 3 warrants.
01-20...19300 3 NW, Einstein. Autistic student stood up in science class and threatened to shoot the teacher and students.
01-21...202xx 20 Pl NE. Mental complaints. Involuntary commitment.
Fraud - many varieties
01-17...1235 N 205, Radio Shack. Store took a counterfeit fifty dollar bill.
01-18...13xx N 184 Ct. Woman found that someone opened a T-Mobile account in 2003 using her social security number.
01-18...16xx N 157. Mail theft.
01-18...7xx N 160. Someone requested a second credit card on her account and had it sent to a different address.
01-19...7xx NE 198. Elder financial abuse.
01-20...202xx 23 NW. Debit card stolen.
01-21...179xx Linden. Woman paid her Penney's bill and put the envelope in the mailbox for pickup. Check picked up by thief who washed, forged, and cashed it.
01-21...22xx NE 169. Telephone fraud. Scammer said victim had to provide information to protect his account.
Car prowls
01-18...7xx N 195. Victim found a man rifling through her vehicle, in her driveway.
01-20...203xx 15 NW. Caught a car prowler, in possession of stolen property, alcohol, and weed.
01-21...169xx 25 NE. Car prowl. Unlocked, parked in residential driveway.
01-22...145xx Phinney N, apartments. Car prowl. Unlocked, rifled. Car had WSU football on dashboard.. Thief wrote "Dogs" in condensation on trunk.
Lost and found
01-18...198xx Bagley, Ballinger Commons. Stolen car dumped in parking lot.
01-20...N 203/Meridian. Found GPS unit on trail in Ballinger Commons.
01-20...22xx NE 197 Pl, apartments. Title to recently purchased vehicle possible taken from residence by unknown suspect.
Thievery - if you live in Ballinger Homes, nail down your satellite dish
01-18...22xx NE 200, Ballinger Homes. Someone stole a satellite dish from ground in front of door.
01-19...199xx Ballinger. Boarding house, entered locked room and stole items. Possible suspect from pawn information.
01-19...17545 Aurora, car dealership. Suspect stole Cadillac-branded letterman's jacket and left his own jacket.
01-21...19030 1 NE, Shoreline soccer fields. Unattended backpack stolen.
01-21...155xx Bagley Pl N. Stole bicycle from back yard of residence.
01-22...22xx NE 199 Ct., Ballinger Homes. Stole satellite dish from back yard.
Among the Missing
01-19...198xx 25 NE, apartments. Juvenile runaway.
01-20...3xx NW 178. Juvenile runaway (her weekly run).
01-22...7xx N 184. Resident missing from adult family home.
01-23...3xx NW 178. Juvenile runaway. (That's twice this week.)
01-23...147xx 22 NE. Juvenile runaway.
Reckless driving
01-19...167xx Whitman N. Two detectives were at business on unrelated police matter and chased down a driver driving recklessly in snow and standing water.
01-20...N 175/Aurora. Reckless driving through construction zone.
01-20...15xx NE 166. Suspect attempted to unlock deadbolt at rear entrance of house.
01-21...172xx 10 NW. Victim returned home to find suspect on his porch.
And in other news...
01-19...21xx N 155. Victim had unknown word spray painted on garage, eggs thrown at front door, and mailbox dented by a blunt object.
01-19...16510 Aurora, 76 Station. Damage to Taco Bus as thieves cut and steal wire from junction box.
01-21...165xx Carlyle Hall Rd. Natural death.
Worth repeating just in case you missed it
01-19...195xx 7 NE. Black Magic blamed as reason for wife's infidelity. Murder for hire plot is threatened.