Shoreline Planning Commission public hearings Thursday Nov 4

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Shoreline Planning Commission, composed of City Council-appointed, citizen volunteers, will hold two public hearings during its normal meeting on Thursday, November 4, for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and amendments to the Development Code.

The meeting is held in the Council Chambers of Shoreline City Hall at N 175 and Midvale Ave N, at 7 pm.

The Comprehensive Plan is the overall guideline for building, development, and growth management in the City. By state law under the Growth Management Act, it is reviewed and revised every seven years.

The Planning Commission and the Planning Department (paid, professional, city staff) are working to implement Shoreline's Community Vision adopted in 2009, with the zoning designations that we inherited from King County when Shoreline incorporated. 

One area of confusion is zoning designations for Commercial Business (CB) and Regional Business (RB) which were originally placed on properties by the County when Shoreline was unincorporated King county. The CB and RB zones were virtually the same, except for differences regarding the number of units which could be built inside a building. One of the amendments proposes dropping both designations in favor of the new, City-drafted Mixed Use Zone (MUZ) which acknowledges an area where both business and residential are allowed.

Comprehensive Plan Amendments
The Shoreline Planning Department has offered 4 Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the public hearing. The amendments address the following:
  • adding language describing the Ballinger Neighborhood,
  • modifying the land use map to reflect public ownership of parks and open space
  • removing all references to RB zoning and replacing it with MUZ zoning
  • modifying language contained in Land Use Goals 17, 18, and 19.
Development Code Amendments
The proposed amendments are meant to clear up the confusion, duplication, and inconsistencies in the current code and to bring it current with updated legal mandates and local policy changes.  Once again, it is a question of updating or eliminating outdated language and making the codes consistent with Shoreline planning and development decisions and goals.

The City is proposing general changes to the Shoreline Development Code that apply citywide. The non-project action to amend the Shoreline Municipal Code includes changes to:
  • 20.30 – Environmental Procedures – review in critical areas and appeal provisions.
  • 20.30 – Amendment and Review of Comprehensive Plan – formalize the annual docket process.
  • 20.70 – Engineering Standards – clarify the technical standards.
Anyone who wants to comment, either in writing or in person, can attend the hearing or submit written comments.  Comments can also be emailed.

More information is available on the City website:

About the Planning Commission
The Planning Commission consists of seven Shoreline residents and/or property owners appointed by the City Council to address land use and planning issues.
Meetings are generally held the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7 pm in the Council Chamber at the Shoreline City Hall, 17500 Midvale Avenue N.
The Planning Commission provides regular opportunities for the public to comment on matters of interest at each meeting.


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