Seattle City Light Improving Streetlight Performance

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Report from Seattle City Light

With the end of daylight savings time, most of us will be depending on streetlights more often to help us get home from work, to the store or take a walk. And City Light has some good news to share.

Over the past two years, we’ve been able to cut the number of streetlights needing major repairs that could take more than 120 days to fix from a high of 1,800 to only 33 today.

We’re also finishing phase three of our group relamping project. By the end of the year City Light will have replaced every streetlight lamp in its territory south of 65th Street. This has significantly cut down on the number of lights reported out in those areas.

If you notice a streetlight that is not working correctly, you can report it and track the progress of repairs on our Streetlight Tracker.

Note:  I recently used the online system to report that my streetlight was occasionally turning off.  I got an immediate confirmation that my report had been received.  Three days later, I got an email telling me that the light had been repaired.  DKH


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