Lake Forest Park Police Blotter 10-18 to 10-24-2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

By Diane Hettrick - Categories and Trends are mine - reports are from the police.

Trends: Noticeable this week is the lack of mail theft (zero) and bank fraud (only two). Only one burglary but lots of parties.  The police were very busy stopping every driver who even blinked,  used a cell phone, had the wrong plates, didn't use their turn signal, didn't wear a seat belt, had a child in the front seat, went too fast, didn't yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, ran lights, cut corners,   I left those out - just know that they are ever watchful.

Stolen and abandoned cars
10-18…155xx Bothell Wy. Stolen car from MLT found in apartment parking lot. Windows down, ignition key on driver’s seat, The Club on back seat, stereo missing.
10-20…174xx 47 NE. Abandoned vehicle.

Old favorites
10-18…14524 Bothell Wy. 911 hang-up. Kidney Center phones require 9 to get out of the system and extensions start with 1.
10-19…14524 Bothell Wy, Kidney Center again with 911 hang up.
10-19…148xx Bothell Wy, Watercrest Apts. Loud party, but caller can’t tell where it’s coming from. Police responded but couldn’t hear anything out of the ordinary.

They’re baaaaaaccccck
10-19…196xx 30 NE. Woman home alone heard someone knocking at her door and a woman calling, “Hello. Come to the door.” Police suggested that she ask what the person wants without opening the door. (Same report on 10-1).
10-19…Police station. Woman wanted to discuss roommate problems with police. They said it was a civil matter, not police. She said she had once again gotten a bad roommate and doesn’t want something set up against her like last time. Because it was her birthday, she wanted to discuss a previous incident with cops. Officer said that s/he was not there for the whole previous incident and might not be able to comment. Woman “thanked” cop for causing her to lose her home and said she had a meeting with the Chief to discuss problems with a police Sgt.

Bothell Way
10-19…150xx Bothell Wy. Driving with license suspended, no insurance.
10-19…35xx NE 190. Driving with license suspended.
10-20…148xx Bothell Wy. Driving with license suspended.
10-20…170xx Bothell Wy. Driver has old plates on car. Has new ones in the car but can’t put them on because she doesn’t have a screwdriver and son is too busy to help. Police put plates on car.
10-21…145xx Bothell Wy. Driving with license suspended and no interlock device.
10-23…145xx Bothell Wy. Traffic accident. South of 145th, so Seattle jurisdiction.
10-24,…47xx Bothell Wy. Traffic accident, one car.

Raise the fines on false alarms and balance the City budget
10-20…32xx NE 167. Alarm. Basement motion sensor. No one home, all secure.
10-21…161xx Bothell Wy. Alarm. Tripped at rear door. Door is part way open but does not appear forced.
10-22…162xx Beach Dr NE. Alarm. Tripped at front door, rear door unlocked.
10-23…169xx 26 NE. Alarm. Possible operator error.
10-23…175xx Bothell Wy. Alarm. Woman said she had been robbed a lot and was trying to use the alarm more. Appears to be a hoarder.

Get out of Dodge, uh Lake Forest Park
10-20…Towne Centre. Guy in wheelchair who had been Trespassed came back. Escorted to bus stop.
10-20…168xx 45 NE. Citizen reported that when the owner picked up a car that had been cited for parking, he drove on the lawn. Police could not see tire tracks.
10-22…Towne Centre. Trespassed person in bathroom for very long time. Taken to Seattle,  released.
10-24…17000 Brookside Blvd, Blue Heron. Man passed out on bench. Took him to Northgate Transit Center.

Like maybe nobody would notice?
10-20…15348 Bothell Wy, Sheridan Market. A regular customer stole 4-5 packs of cigarettes.
10-20…36xx NE 155. Woman has protection order being served on man she lives with. She’s hiding in bathroom, talking to police, asking when they will get there.

10-20…Towne Centre. Report of man videotaping customers and a man and woman fighting. They were filming for a BattleCam online game.
10-20….174xx Ballinger. Video incident. Mother does not want 16 year old daughter in anything posted on line.
10-20…153xx Bothell Wy. Saw shoplifter but he didn’t take anything this time.
10-20,,,,162xx 37 NE. Someone is on front porch –same person she saw on back porch last week. Ran before police arrived.
10-23…172xx 35 NE. Caller saw a couple at their home, woman holding a baby and crying. Police went to check and man became extremely agitated and retreated to rear of house. Police had to physically restrain him for safety. No sign of abuse. Calmed him. No domestic violence and couple said they were not outside.
10-23…35xx NE 153. Several people knocking on doors in gated area. Trying to locate friend.

The Usual Fraud
10-21…17171 Bothell Wy. Suspicious check taken and flagged, suspect fled.
10-22…174xx Ballinger. Fraud reported on credit card.

Some theft
10-21…Towne Centre, Sally Beauty. Repeat shoplifters.
10-21…175xx Ballinger. Bicycle has been along street for a week.

10-22…190xx 46th NE, apartments. Burglar. Broke back window. Place ransacked, $10,000 in jewelry taken.

Party Central
10-22…175xx 47 NE. Report of loud, drunk teenaged boys. Police could not locate.
10-23…36xx NE 155, apartments. Loud bass from stereo. Police heard no sounds coming from apartment indicated.
10-23…36xx NE 155. Complaint of loud bass music for over an hour. Police visited and woman denied and said she’s only been home for half an hour.
10-23…37xx NE 151. Loud party. Warned.
10-24…Ballinger/NE 190. Heard men yelling.
10-24…36xx NE 155. Compliant of noise from bass speaker. Quiet now.

The Family Plan
10-18…26xx NE 195. Theft. Victim suspects ex
10-23…37xx NE 188. Mom wants police to give drug test to aggressive daughter. Daughter pulled Mom’s hair last week.


MailBoss November 2, 2010 at 12:17 PM  

On the trends... you guys must have missed this story on KOMO news about the mail theft going on in shoreline, from THIS WEEK (10/26):

DKH November 2, 2010 at 7:29 PM  

Not sure where they got that. There was only one mail theft in the Shoreline police blotter and none in LFP.

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