Concerned about Raccoons? PAWS can help

Monday, November 1, 2010

Photo courtesy PAWS
PAWS volunteers have been hanging door hangers on Shoreline doors to help educate the neighborhood about how to reduce conflicts with Raccoons. Look for the colorful hanger on your door, or follow this link for more info.

Test your knowledge of raccoons with the six-question quiz at this link

  • Learn about keeping your home, pets and family safe from Raccoon encounters.
  • Find out the best time to Raccoon-proof your home.
  • Find out how you score on knowledge of Raccoons.
Read the PAWS Blog.


Anonymous,  November 8, 2010 at 8:46 AM  

Yes, you are correct, don't feed them. But raccoons are not terrorists. They are animals seeking food and shelter, just like you and I. (Are you a terrorist?) To avoid interactions with them, don't feed them either on purpose or accidentally (by leaving pet food outside, or by feeding squirrels). Please remember that the earth belongs to all of us, including raccoons.

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