WSDOT launches highway maintenance survey

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Have an opinion on Washington’s highways? To make sure its maintenance goals are on track, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is asking the public to fill out an online survey.

The survey takes just a few minutes and asks people to rate highway pavement conditions, emergency response to collisions and bad weather, and how WSDOT should prioritize future highway maintenance spending. To make sure responses represent a cross-section of Washington residents, WSDOT requests some demographic information.

WSDOT sets its highway maintenance goals through a process called MAP – Maintenance Accountability Process, rating the level of service provided for each maintenance activity. The WSDOT Maintenance Division maintains state highways around the clock, keeping people and goods moving by overseeing:
  • about 20,500 highway lane miles
  • more than 3,000 bridges
  • 1,100 traffic signal systems
  • 10 major mountain passes
  • about 50 safety rest areas
  • a large fleet of roadway maintenance vehicles
This is the first year WSDOT has offered the survey online, which saves the department money compared to telephone surveys conducted in past years. You can learn more about the WSDOT Maintenance division here.

WSDOT keeps people, businesses and the economy moving by operating and improving the state's transportation systems. Real time traffic information is available at WSDOT or by dialing 5-1-1. 



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