Richmond Beach Candidates forum Tuesday, October 12

Monday, October 11, 2010

The public is invited to the Richmond Beach Candidates Forum, Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 7 pm. It is in the basement of the Richmond Beach Congregational Church, at the corner of 15th Ave NW and Richmond Beach Road in Shoreline. Every candidate for every race on the Shoreline ballot will be there in person, except the US Senate contestants, who are sending spokespeople. There will be a sound system.

The format is to feature each race in segments, rather than have all the candidates sitting at the dais the whole time. Most candidates are expected to stay and do the back of the room meet and greet and talk to reporters. In addition, all of the ballot propositions will have tables set up where spokespeople will answer questions and hand out literature.

Each candidate will have roughly 5 minutes to make a statement, followed by a few questions that have been sent in from the audience. Questions are screened for pertinence and to eliminate redundancies or consolidate similar questions.

The forum is sponsored by the Richmond Beach Community Association.


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