On the Nov. 2 Ballot - Shoreline Proposition 1

Saturday, October 2, 2010

City of Shoreline

Proposition No. 1 - Basic Public Safety, Parks and Recreation, and Community Services Maintenance and Operations Levy– To restore Shoreline’s property tax rate to $1.48/$1000 of assessed valuation for collection in 2011; limit levy increases for 2012-2016, not to exceed inflation (Seattle CPI-U); and use the 2016 levy amount to calculate subsequent levy limits. This proposition would maintain current police/emergency protection including neighborhood patrols and crime prevention; preserve safe parks, trails, playgrounds/playfields and the Shoreline pool; and maintain community services including senior center and youth programs.


kevingrossman October 2, 2010 at 5:00 PM  

It's about maintaining quality of life - the city is struggling under the Eyman initiative - you can't sustain great parks, services like the senior center, facilities like the pool and keeping the maintenance items like sealing cracks in the road so they don't become potholes without revenue that keeps up with inflation - this proposition just helps the city retain income to keep up with direct increasing costs. Shoreline is very efficient in using our tax money - we get a lot for our $$ here, so let's keep the services and resources for our community - I encourage you to vote YES so we can keep our city working well and a nice place to live.

Kelly Roberts Weibel,  October 3, 2010 at 7:05 PM  

During a recession where unemployment is nearly 10%, I would like to see this city forego some "extras" (more parks improvements) and stick to the basics (streets, police). Some of the "city services" this tax would fund could include substantial salary increases for city staff. Most other public employees (ALL State employees and some county employees) are under a wage freeze; why doesn't Shoreline have a similar policy in this recession? Shoreline could make additional cuts before taxing citizens more. I encourage you to vote NO--please check this website for some additional information about Prop. 1. www.noonprop1shoreline.org.

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