Letter to the Editor: Vote for Maralyn Chase for State Senate

Sunday, October 10, 2010

To the Editor:

As a long time opponent of Maralyn Chase at the local level, I never thought I would hear myself saying this but I now urge all Democrats, Independents and Republicans to come together to support Maralyn Chase. I could go into the many arguments I have had with her involvement with the City of Shoreline over the past twelve years, including the recent very short-sighted opposition of the 32nd Democrats to the City of Shoreline Proposition 1, but right now, let me list a few of the reason why we need to elect Maralyn to represent us in Olympia:

1. In the Washington State House, Maralyn has had a good voting record as she has consistently supported progressive legislation.
2. Maralyn has consistently supported working people through the legislative process. This is one reason she has always received the support of organized labor.
3. There is a real chance that the Democrats could lose control of the state senate. A few decades ago when the Republican Party in Washington was truly moderate with a consistent focus on the environment, this would not have been a problem. But, as they say, “this is not your father’s Republican Party.” Everything I see would indicate that Washington Republicans are a reflection of the national Republican Party. This means an anti-environment party controlled by the very rich and the large corporations with many of their hidden election contributions now coming from overseas companies and governments (yes even in Washington State).

Of course we want to vote for our many great candidates, including Patty Murray, Jay Inslee and Ruth Kagi; but it is also very important to vote for Maralyn Chase. She will help make sure that we have a progressive, working government in Olympia.

Dennis Heller


Anonymous,  October 10, 2010 at 7:57 AM  

DUH! No-brainer Dennis! Welcome back to reality!

Evan Smith,  October 10, 2010 at 8:13 PM  

Chase a "no brainer"? Not according to to Democrats in the State Senate who tried to convince Ruth Kagi to run for the vacant seat; not according to 52.3% of the primary voters; not according to the Seattle Times, which endorsed Baker; not according to the PI, which attached a warning to its endorsement. It's a "no brainer only to the people who blindly vote according to party label.

Anonymous,  October 10, 2010 at 9:15 PM  

Sorry, I've had all I can take of the Democrats, both at the state and national level. Patty Murray? Please...she's part of the problem.

Anonymous,  October 10, 2010 at 9:50 PM  

Also, supporting working people and supporting organized labor are mutually exclusive nowadays. An endorsement from SEIU, to me, is no different than an endorsement from the Mafia. I don't see how anyone could be proud of an endorsement from them. They've proven to be thugs.

JEDH,  October 10, 2010 at 11:35 PM  

But, Maralyn is still a no brainer as far as appealing to the largest slice of voters, and, as far as the Times, aren't they fairly conservative in general since they are a fairly large corporation?

Regarding the PI, what was that warning about? Anything to really be of concern in regards to getting descent progressive bills passed? I'll
bet not.

I was at the Shoreline Center forum, and all Baker had to say was the same old tired conservative lines about less taxes (for the folks that are way underpaying taxes that the rest of us are having to make up for), and more jobs (lower paid ones that help make the rich, richer who are reaping the benefits of tax shelters and loopholes).

About the SEIU. Do you mean they actually have to become thugs in order to get fair pay to overworked and underpaid service workers. I do wish it would be acceptable to just pay them what they are worth rather than Unions having to get super tough, but if that's what it needed to get fair pay, so be it.

Anonymous,  October 11, 2010 at 12:03 AM  

The SEIU's thuggish behavior has nothing to do with fair pay and everything to do with silencing their political opponents. There are plenty of good unions out there that don't resort to violence and intimidation to get what they want. I support those unions. You've made it clear that you support the thugs. Who did you want me to vote for?

JEDH,  October 11, 2010 at 7:46 PM  

What kind of violence and intimidation are you referring to. I would want to know about it. Who or what is a good, reliable resource about the thuggish behavior? Can you give me/us some links or names or something?

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 11:35 PM  

Google "Kenneth Gladney" and choose any link you wish. Or just open your eyes...they can be a good, reliable resource if you don't keep them shut tight against the things you don't wish to see.

Anonymous,  October 14, 2010 at 8:35 PM  

If you want to see intimidation, just turn on your TV and see the onslaught of nastiness being thrown at Patty Murray from the US Chamber, and all the "independent" political groups out there. They have zero monetary restrictions and no way to find out who the money is really coming from.
Karl Rove, Beck and the rest know how to sling dirt like nobody's business.

They are coming after Patty Murray with dumpsters full of trash and mud to throw at her, blaming her for all the sins of the Bush administration. It is absurd.

I don't "wish to see" any of it, but if you want to watch network TV you can't avoid it. Just hit "mute" I guess.

Anonymous,  October 14, 2010 at 8:47 PM  

Patty seems to have no problem returning fire...of course, you've seen her nasty attack ads, right?

Patty needs to go. I don't know if Rossi is part of the solution, but I do know that Patty is part of the problem.

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