Letter to the Editor: to my Democrat friends

Monday, October 11, 2010

To the Editor:

As a former liberal, I can relate to Democrats who can’t stomach the idea of voting for a Republican. The current gastronomical upset concerns the candidates running for Washington State Representative in the 32nd Legislative District, Cindy Ryu (D) and Dr. Art Coday (R).

Ryu had been the mayor of Shoreline until she was defeated last year. The local paper published a letter about her, and here is a post about her failure to be open and transparent in her government dealings, as well as an opinion by a disgruntled citizen regarding her obsession with micromanagement.

Art Coday is a primary care physician, serving mostly Medicare (seniors, permanently disabled) and Medicaid (very poor) patients. He graduated from Harvard Medical School and is a small business owner. He will demand government accountability, slash wasteful spending (without compromising top priorities like education), and audit for performance to track how our money is spent. The Seattle Times discredited him because isn’t a seasoned bureaucrat.

My Democrat friends are opposed to everything that Ryu stands for but are saying that they cannot bring themselves to vote for a Republican. Dennis Prager explains in this great article why it is so hard for Democrats to vote Republican: “The answer lies in emotion. For many non-leftist Democrats, it is emotionally impossible to vote Republican.”

My hope is that my Democrat friends will take a deep breath and vote for the person, not the party. That person is Art Coday.

Carol Solle


Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 5:55 AM  

You haven't been a Democrat for a very long time Ms. Solle, why pretend now?

Didn't Cleanscapes just make a $2,000 donation last week to the Yes on Proposition One to raise Shoreline property taxes more than 20% in the first year? If you are so anti-tax and spend, why hasn't your little group come out against it? They had an opportunity and failed to, after all, all politics are local...

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 6:57 AM  

Right on Anonymous 5:55!

Hey Carol, give us a break! Everyone knows your the founder of the TEA Party group here in Shoreline in Innis Arden. You've never been a liberal. You're group hosted the entire pack who tried to run against Murray, including Clint Didier! You are the main organizer against Patty Murray here!

Art Coday can run, but he can't hide from his right wing, TEA Party connections. Let's see, first he decided to run against Patty Murray! When that little plan failed, he thought "Gee maybe I'll try to start with State Representative?"

How about working for local jobs, protecting Social Security, and the State Constitution which says, "It is the paramount duty of the state to make ample provision for the education of all children residing within its borders, without distinction or preference on account of race, color, caste, or sex". This means funding PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

Start with that Art and Carol. Then talk about who's a liberal and who's
for funding things that are vital.

Let's be "open" Carol about who's funding your little group, and who's funding Art Coday's race? Developers, Gun owners, realtors, insurance companies! Even DINO ROSSI is one of your contributors!

Art, how about being involved with your community first? How about getting involved with public schools, environment, local issues before you try to go for State government?

nancy gustafson,  October 12, 2010 at 7:39 AM  

I give no credence to the words of anyone who will not sign his or her name. This is just a bunch of spin from a Ryu supporter.....maybe Cindy herself?

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 7:49 AM  

Someone is spreading the rumor around that "former city councilmembers" were part of the SPC PAC even though Rich Gustafson inspected the books and ran right to Carol Solle the same afternoon so she could post a defamatory post on the Shoreline Caucus about a private citizen (later deleted, but not to worry, it has been saved). Rich knows that "former city councilmembers" are NOT part of SPC since he personally inspected the books, but that is par for the course for Pro Shoreline. Carol Solle is a member of Pro Shoreline and should have disclosed that fact.

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 8:09 AM  

The Shoreline Caucus also has promoted the campaign of Ruth Kagi's opponent, Nancy, what say you to that? Carol forgot to mention that the Shoreline Caucus sponsored forums that worked AGAINST long-time legislator from the 32nd District Ruth Kagi, who has worked hard for the District, Shoreline, and, education. In fact, I thought you considered Ruth a friend; but with friends like the Gustafsons...

Last August Carol's little group, sponsored Susan Hutchinson (who is by no means a Democrat) with supposed Democrats Will Hall and Shari Tracey (now Winstead) in attendance when Hutchinson was running against Dow Constantine. Carol is no Democrat by any means, and I guess Will and Shari are not either.

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 9:07 AM  

I cannot agree with you more. I've seen Cindy Ryu in action and she is NOT the democrat we want. I was a Doris McConnell supporter, she would have been much better that RYU.

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 10:23 AM  

Let's be clear, Cindy Ryu was a champion Mayor for Shoreline. Cindy Ryu is the embodiment of the American Dream, having succeeded in life through hard work and public education. She raised her family here,
ran a successful small business,
attended church and participated in community life.

She devoted herself to the City of Shoreline business for 4 solid years. She has worked her entire life for small business, education, and human rights. She has dozens of endorsements from Labor, Women's groups, Environmentalists, and many other Democrats AND Republicans including current and former elected officials.

She is standing up for her community to represent the 32nd District.
She will be an outstanding representative for our District.

Pro Shoreline and Shoreline Caucus can scream all they want, but Cindy Ryu is going to succeed, because she's done the hard work and outreach to win!

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 11:23 AM  

From the "Faith and Freedom" blog (http://blog.faithandfreedom.us/):

"Dr. Coday is pro-life, pro-marriage and opposes increased taxation. He is a Christian leader and will be a banner carrier for our core issues."

And that, to me, says it all. He will work to keep my gay friends from being able to marry...and will also work to make abortion illegal, imposing his beliefs on those who do not share them.

I'll be voting *against* him, thanks very much.

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 11:58 AM  

Granted, Coday went to medical school and such. But I'm a former hospital administrator, and the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospital pretty much mandates these days that medical staff complete a residency and have board certification in order to qualify for medical staff privileges.

The good Dr. Coday hasn't finished a residency and isn't board certified, which is pretty much standard these days -- which is why he practices in nursing homes. I'm not saying he isn't an excellent and caring doctor, but I'd like to know why he didn't complete even the shortest residency program (family practice, pediatrics, or internal medicine - one of the primary care residencies - are only two more years after the one year after medical school required to get your license).

I checked and Coday is not on the staff of Northwest or Stevens Hospital, is he on the medical staff of any local hospital? That is a direct measure of the quality of medical training he has had, in the opinion of other medical professionals.

Additionally, in order to keep your board certification and medical staff privileges, you have to keep your skills current by regular attendance through continuing medical education, which is another measure of quality. The average consumer doesn't know about these requirements, but they are something good to know about any provider of medical services.

Emde October 12, 2010 at 12:06 PM  

Great, both candidates suck as an option. Guess I'll be doing a write-in vote.

Carol Solle,  October 12, 2010 at 1:57 PM  

To Anonymous, October 12, 2010 5:55 AM
In February of 2008, I voted for Obama in the primaries. I had never in my life voted for a Republican. Since then, I’ve opened my eyes and can't believe how gullible I was! It's really easy to vote for the party. That way, no research and consideration is required.

Your response is so predictable. Rather than addressing the issue of the letter, change the topic to Proposition 1. By the way, what did you think of Dennis Prager’s article?

Anonymous, October 12, 2010 6:57 AM
You give me too much credit! There is a large network of people in the area who are working hard to fight irresponsible and expanding government.

According to the PDC, Ryu has received more than $7200 from unions and $2400 from lawyer groups. If elected, I’ll bet she’d reward these groups handsomely just as she did Cleanscapes.

Anonymous, October 12, 2010 10:23 AM
If “Cindy Ryu was a champion Mayor for Shoreline” why didn’t she get re-elected?

To all Anonymous commenters: Please come to the Candidates’ Forum tonight, 7:00 at the Richmond Beach Congregational Church, at the corner of 15th Ave NW and Richmond Beach Road. All candidates (or surrogates) from the 1st Congressional district and from the 32nd Legislative district will be there, and you can decide for yourself who is the better candidate.

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 2:49 PM  

In regards to Coday ( I can't call uncertified physician Doctor)- How does a man with a reputation for being unwilling/unable to work with others expect to be effective in Olympia? It's a fundamental requirement!

Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 2:51 PM  

Where is the balance in the reporting of this rag?

Ralph Sanders,  October 12, 2010 at 5:17 PM  

Before a Democrat holds his or her nose and votes Republican, it would be a very good idea to read the Washington State Republican Platform. Here's the link - http://www.wsrp.org/platform.aspx.

Evan Smith,  October 13, 2010 at 6:02 AM  

Lack of balance?
We've carried every point of view on every issue,

Anonymous,  October 13, 2010 at 9:21 AM  

Apparently there is no room in the Democratic party for anyone who doesn't toe the party line, drink the cool-aide and sign their name anonymously. Fortunately, this race will be decided by people who can think for themselves. And yes, I'm posting anonymously. That way, you'll know I'm a real Democrat.

Anonymous,  October 13, 2010 at 10:29 AM  

I'm so tired of having to choose between the lesser of two evils. What has happened to our country?

JEDH,  October 13, 2010 at 10:48 PM  

What has happened to our country? Well, not much has changed in regards to the battle between groups of people in general. Our world is so darn full of people that if we all don't finally start to work together to solve serious issues that do or will effect all of us (but of course, the less advantaged first) we are all going to be up creek (probably an undrinkable one, too).

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