Letter to the Editor: It's backwards to call leftists emotional

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

To the Editor:

It’s exactly backwards to call leftists emotional for not being willing to vote Republican against a Democrat they don’t like personally. We’re not voting for Homecoming Queen here. The important unemotional issue here is whether the Republicans or the Democrats will control the Legislature, and what those options mean for state policy on economics, social welfare, gay rights, and everything else we care about. Yes, liberal politicians can be contradictory personally – remember Ted Kennedy, or JFK for that matter? This is politics, and politics is about the power to make public policy. As that great liberal (not) Otto von Bismarck put it, it’s like making sausage – you don’t necessarily want to know what goes into it. So put your immediate feelings aside, hold your nose, and vote for the party, not the person. It still matters.

Chris Nielsen


Anonymous,  October 12, 2010 at 11:41 PM  

This is probably not the best time to suggest that people blindly vote the party line for Democrats, just because they are Democrats. If anything, it's a good time to suggest that people vote the party line for Republicans, just because they are NOT Democrats.

In any case, party line voting is a sad, sad result of our two party system. People should either take the time to learn about the candidates and issues and vote thoughtfully. We tried the alternative in 2008 and look where that got us.

Janet Way October 13, 2010 at 7:29 AM  

Chris Nielsen,

What a great letter to the editor. It is logical, smart and unemotional and about real politics. Democrats need to look at their core values, what's in their platform and what they believe in.

Will Democrats have a majority or not, on the State and National level?That is the question.

Democrats, remember what it felt like when we woke up, and George Bush was President of the United States? Remember eight years of listening to his adventures every day?

Remember what our values are.

Republicans, we love you dearly, but we just don't agree with most of your values. Maybe we can come together on some things, locally and on the larger level. Yes, we are all Americans. But fundamentally, Democrats should support each other on the ballot. And we can agree to disagree with Republicans.

Thank you.

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