Evan Smith: Times endorses Baker, Ryu, Kagi

Saturday, October 9, 2010

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

The Seattle Times, in a Monday editorial, endorsed Republican David Baker for 32nd District State senator and Democrats Cindy Ryu and Ruth Kagi for State representative. The editorial board of Washington’s largest newspaper had endorsed the same three candidates before the August primary.

The Times recommended Kenmore Mayor Baker over Democratic State Rep. Maralyn Chase to replace retiring Democratic State Sen. Darlene Fairley. The Times praised Baker for leading a City Council “that has managed to avoid local tax increases and even cut the city's utility tax,” noting that Kenmore recently dedicated a new City Hall, paid for in cash. The Times said that Baker would serve Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, Edmonds and Woodway, better than Chase.

For the seat that Chase is vacating, the paper praised Ryu, a former Shoreline City councilwoman and mayor, for her experience in business and with local governmental financial, transportation and planning issues.

The Times said that Republican candidate Art Coday would be learning on the job, adding that State taxpayers would be subsidizing his training, training that Ryu got on the Shoreline Council.

The editorial said that incumbent Kagi has earned voters’ confidence. The Times noted Kagi’s influence as chairwoman of the House committee on early learning and children's services, which, it noted, oversees the budgets and spending for children. The editorial board said that the Legislature needs Kagi's experience and insight as it makes inevitable budget cuts.

The Times said that its endorsements of Baker, Ryu and Kagi are grounded in their practical skills serving taxpayers.

Four days earlier, the SeattlePI.com editorial board had also endorsed Ryu and Kagi but endorsed Chase over Baker for the Senate.

The endorsement of Chase came with a warning that she should curb some of her radical positions that are out of step with most mainstream Democratic legislators.

The PI called Chase “a contentious activist, carrying on feuds even within the Democratic Party.”

Nevertheless, the Seattlepi.com endorsed her as “a progressive prod in a capital where, all too often, any reform is considered not worth doing until proven otherwise.”

The web site said, “It's a tough choice” between Chase and Baker, citing Baker's “broad civic experience.”

The PI pointed to an inconstancy between Baker’s pledge to pay for quality schools, make communities safer and work for transportation improvements, and his promises to "control runaway spending" and his boasts of voting against "every proposed tax increase" as a city councilman.

The PI endorsed Chase with advice to “be more cooperative and less preachy” because “the Senate Democratic Caucus is a big tent.”

The PI said that both Ryu and Coday are “quality candidates” for the House seat Chase now holds.

The web site’s editorial board called Ryu “a prized recruit for a very difficult job.”

Republican opponent Coday, the editorial board said, “follows a familiar, contradictory line,” pledging to work for more spent in schools while saying he wants to "lower tax rates."

Seattlepi.com pointed out that the King County Municipal League has rated Kagi "Outstanding," while rating Republican opponent Gary Gagliardi as "Adequate."


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