Brightwater to residents: tunneling has resumed from Point Wells

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cutting head. Courtesy Brightwater
Tunneling for the final two-mile section of the 13 mile Brightwater conveyance system was scheduled to get underway from Point Wells beginning Tuesday, September 21. Tunneling for this section is expected to take about one year, with completion scheduled for next fall.

The spring, King County's contractor, JDC, completed the four mile West Tunnel between Point Wells and Ballinger Way in Shoreline. King County selected JDC to complete the project's final remaining tunnel section between Ballinger Way and a location in Lake Forest Park under 53rd Ave NE where a damaged tunnel boring machine has been stopped since May 2009.

While tunneling will occur between Ballinger Way and Lake Forest Park, operations will be based at Point wells with crews, concrete tunnel liners and other materials being transported inside the tunnel by a small locomotive. Excavated soils will be barged from Point Wells. Crews will work two ten-hour shifts Monday through Friday from 7 am to about 2:30 am depending on work conditions.

Lifting cutting head from Ballinger Portal. Brightwater.

This summer, JDC fully refurbished the tunnel boring machine so that it will be suitable for additional mining. In addition, JDC made improvements inside the tunnel to further reduce impacts to neighbors along the tunnel route, including installing padding under the tunnel train tracks and tightening the tracks.

When tunneling is completed next fall, pipes will be installed inside the tunnel near Point Wells and an underground sampling facility will be constructed on the Point Wells site. The site will then be restored and landscaped, with final completion scheduled for fall 2012.

Brightwater is being built by King County in response to the continuing growth in our region. The new wastewater treatment system has been under construction since 2006 and will serve north King and south Snohomish counties.

Residents who have questions can call the Brightwater construction hotline 206-205-5989 or email. For more information about the Brightwater project, see their website.


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