School Board approves 2010-11 budgets
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Shoreline School Board adopted five budgets at its August 30 meeting: General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, Transportation Vehicle Fund, Debt Service Fund and Associated Student Body Program Fund; and approval of the 2010-11 Student Achievement Carryover Spending Plan.
Highlights of the $89.6 million General Fund budget include:
- A projected enrollment decline of 270 students.
- The fourth grade student staffing ratio remains the same as last year's despite basic education funding reductions by the State.
- The budget includes $660,000 for new curriculum adoptions.
- The 5 percent unreserved fund balance is reflected in both the beginning and ending fund balance.
- This budget reflects a reduction of the unreserved fund balance of over $900,000.
Items of interest concerning the $37.2 million Capital Projects Fund:
- The Capital Projects Fund budget only includes current sources and uses of funds and does not include the anticipated fall bond sale proceeds.
- Collection and expenditure of the first half of the Technology Levy is an addition to the 2010-2011 budget.
- Expenditures for the K-4 technology portion of the 2006 bond will be completed this year.
- Shoreline Center fire alarm and roof upgrades and the central kitchen project are slated for completion in 2010-2011.
- The major focus of the expenditures in the Capital Projects Fund this year will be the two high school projects.
The 2010-11 Shoreline Schools budget spends approximately $2.7 million more than the expected revenue generated, reducing the District's overall fund balance.
The reserves (both unreserved and reserved) will be used for the following items:
- professional development activities and training for staff;
- curriculum adoptions and instructional materials;
- maintenance of all classroom staffing ratios including 4th grade, despite funding reductions by the State;
- continuation of the CSR model (certificated staff for elementary overload), despite the loss of all I-728 funding;
- and deferred maintenance of school facilities.
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