Pirates, parrots and bullying prevention, Taproot Theatre visits the schools

Friday, September 3, 2010

Solomon Davis and Adrienne Littleton. Photo by Liz Ragland

Swashbuckling scallywag! If anyone knows a thing or two about bullying, it’s a pirate. 

In the days surrounding International Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19, Taproot Theatre’s Road Company brings its pirate-themed touring play, Treasure Ally, to school assemblies across the Puget Sound region. 

Understanding that the back-to-school season can cause anxiety for students who know the pain of being bullied, the Road Company actors are excited to help prevent bullying with their educational and entertaining play. 

Treasure Ally will perform Friday, September 17 at King’s Elementary in Shoreline.

In Treasure Ally by Bethany Wallace, one of four plays in the Road Company’s 2010/2011 repertoire, the good ship Buccaneer has a bad case of the bullies, and it’s much worse than our hero Louis ever experienced on the playground. The pirate captain calls him names and won’t even let him off the ship in time to get to class. And that’s not all; it turns out the captain is being bullied himself. Can Louis and his fellow crew members teach their captain a few things about standing up to bullies before the next full moon? Or will Captain No-Beard come to pick on them and steal their map to the treasure?

The Road Company’s plays are guided by Seattle-based Committee for Children’s acclaimed bullying-prevention curricula and teach students how to respond to, and even prevent, bullying and cyber-bullying. The Road Company has performed for over one million students since it began touring social-issues plays in 1985.

In addition to the touring productions, Taproot Theatre provides teachers’ guides and resources to facilitate classroom discussion and increase the effectiveness of the message. The actors are also available for individual classroom visits. For more information, contact Taproot’s Director of Outreach, 206-529-3669.


Anonymous,  September 4, 2010 at 8:24 PM  

Taproot needs to visit the Superintendent's office and visit the Bully in Chief, Sue Walker. The District needs to take some of its own advice and
stop bullying the Shoreline Historical Museum Board.

They have resorted to the most underhanded, reprehensible tactics to steal the Museum from the community. They are using blackmail and fraud (In My Humble Opinion) to beat the Museum Board into submission.

They have generated a climate of fear to prevent the public from knowing the facts and distort the story of what they are doing to perpetrate this outrage on the public trust!

The School Board is equally responsible for standing by and rubberstamping this atrocity.

Impose the Anti-bully rules on yourself Sue Walker!

Anonymous,  September 5, 2010 at 10:34 PM  

THIS is not fear-mongering?

I'm so tired of this story.
The "bad guys" ~vs~ "the good guys".

I love the idea of the museum.
I love that it houses some cool "Stuff".

I hope that "it" will be able to raise enough money to support itself in another location.
If not, I will be sad to see it close (for hopefully, only a time).

To:Anonymous, September 4, 2010 8:24 PM

What SPECIFICALLY do you want "them" to do?
As in,a plan. A SPECIFIC plan.
Not a feeling or an advertisement.
Lay it out for us- a blow by blow plan that is feasible AND LEGAL.
Let's hear it.

Janet Way September 6, 2010 at 7:42 PM  

Dear Anonymous #2,

It's not my job to have a plan. It IS the job of the school district to respect history, teach it and respect the community they are in, and not pillage it.

Why are you tired of this story? You don't even know the half of it.
Are you tired of it because it shows your school district to be deceitful and inredible bullies?
Are you tired of it because your school board has no backbone to stand up to the bully in chief?
Are you tired of it because you know you have some responsibility for voting YES and being lied to on the Bond vote?

Let's hear it?

The obvious plan is SSD, don't do it. Design around the Museum. Imagine your self image SSD without "expelling" the Museum. Could the new Shorewood possibly rebuild without destroying the Museum, which is known to be in the community vision so carefully crafted?

But they have $150 million burning a hole in their pocket now and they are the GREAT SHORELINE SCHOOL DISTRICT. Do not question the great and powerful OZ!

Evan Smith,  September 7, 2010 at 11:34 PM  
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous,  September 8, 2010 at 12:14 AM  

No Janet,
I'm tired of the story because you have NO solution.
Only complaints mandates of what YOU think that SSD should do.
You have no plan.

If there is some great magical solution out there that is legal and doable, where is it?
Why has it not been suggested by you or anyone else?

Where is the LEGAL alternative?

Why does the GREAT and POWERFUL Janet Way not show us all?

Evan Smith,  September 8, 2010 at 6:55 AM  

I see that the blog administrator has removed my comment about the School Board’s evicting the Museum.
Send me an e-mail at schsmith@frontier.com.
--Evan Smith

Anonymous,  September 8, 2010 at 9:06 AM  

Your comment, Evan, was about recalling the school board.

I wish it was still there for everyone to read.

Evan Smith,  September 8, 2010 at 3:48 PM  

A recall petition must charge that an elected official has "committed some act or acts of malfeasance or misfeasance while in office, or who has violated his oath of office"
--Washington Constitution, Article I, Section 33.
Is anyone up for it?

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